Chapter 8: The Chasing

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"When I found you, I had not found myself yet, but when I found myself, I had already lost you." ― Elmar Hussein



Edited By: bomabenjy


Rafael Alejandro Valiente's POV

Manhattan, New York

My plane landed at JFK at exactly 7 in the morning. I thanked my crew and disembarked from the aircraft and walked to where Roman parked his car, Darell and Garret were following me behind. They are my securities both are black belters and a shooters. They are both ex military. Two cars were waiting for us. Roman, was my driver since kindergarten. 

"Welcome back Rafael." The old man said as he smiled and opened the rear side door for me and closed it once I'm settled in. My two securities took the other car with other securities. 

Roman soon started the engine and we left the Tarmac. The SUV was discreetly following us.

"How was your parent's Rafael?" Roman asked happily? He is very close to my family. And he is like a second father to me. He and his wife are the only people who call us by our names.

"They are happy and both healthy Roman. I hope it stays that way for a long time." I replied casually.

"Have you heard yet from your wife about moving here?" I asked after. Janella, the wife didn't want to leave her grand kids.

"She has already made up her mind Rafael. I can't change it. That only happens when the pigs got wings!" he laughed momentarily. 

I laughed. 

His wife is a handful sometimes, but Roman loves her dearly that he only agrees to whatever the lady says.

"She can come and visit anytime Roman. Just tell me and Luke can come get her." I suggest. Luke was my private pilot and the captain. I had three private pilots and four flight attendants

The 60 year old man smiled. His eyes softened and looked at the rear mirror with grateful eyes and watched his master. Nobody knew him well but him. He and his wife were almost the ones who raised him. 

"I'll tell her when I talk to her Rafael and Thank you!" he exclaimed excitedly.

We reached the hotel building and Roman pulled into the underground parking lot and parked in the slot exclusively for him.

Not long, I'm inside my place. I dialed the manager's number right away.

"Send me Ms. Bennet and some breakfast." I ordered coldly as soon as it got connected.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Valiente but Ms. Bennet resigned two days ago."

"WHAT??" I yelled thunderously. My heart rapidly raced and I wanted to kill him at that moment.

"I..m so..r.r.y. Sir!" the manager stuttered in a shaky voice.

"WHY I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGED OF THIS?" I roared in a menacing voice. Gritting my teeth at the end as I clenched and unclenched my hands in fury, the thought of her gone frightened me tremendously.

"It was sudden-!" he trailed of apprehensively, but I cut it off.

"SAVE IT! YOU'RE FIRED JACOB!!" I yelled and I was about to slam the phone when I heard his words.

"SHE WAS A DUCHESS RAFAEL!" he dared say making me astounded and fell on a silent for a brief moment, trying to grasp what he just said, not caring for how he address me.

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