Chapter 1

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The little boy with red horns ran into his room as two grown adults chased him. “Stay in your damn room you fucking freak!!!” The man yelled at the boy, throwing a piece of rock at him, immediately hitting his head and causing him to bleed. “I-I’m sorry father!!!” The boy cried out in pure agony, his hand covering the bleeding wound.

“Don’t ever call me father!!! I would never want to be your father, you damn freak!!!” The man shouted out as he slapped the boy across the face repeatedly as the woman watched without saying a word. 

Time skip to the afternoon 

“Now I suggest you behave in front of our guest, understood?” The woman glared at the boy. “Yes ma’am….” He responded as his head hung low, refusing to look at her. “Hey!!! Look at me when you’re talking to me!!!!” She kneed him in the stomach and pushed him down onto the ground. “God you’re so fucking pathetic…”  The woman scoffed as the boy curled up, covering his stomach in pain.

“Get up you bitch!!!! My guest is about to show up!” She kicked him again. “You’re going to be an embarrassment if you don’t fucking get your lowlife ass up and behave correctly!!!” She kicked him one last time before hearing a knock at the door. “Goddamn it…our guest is here..” she groaned and looked at the boy. “Clean up quickly and don’t let her see you like this” the woman said as she went over to the door and opened it.  “Hello Ms. Rain!! It’s good to see you again!” She smiled and quickly gave Ms. Rain a hug.

Another time skip 

Ms. Rain stood up from the couch and smiled at the two adults in front of her and the little boy who was beside them but she slowly noticed the bruises on him. “Wh….what happened to you little one?” She asked with concern. “Oh don’t worry about him! He fell down some stairs earlier, he’s quite clumsy so he always gets badly bruised but don’t worry, we’ll take care of his injuries” the woman said with an unsettling smile but ms. Rain paid no mind to it and shrugged. 

“If you say so…but please be more careful little one”  she smiled before heading out the door and once the woman knew she was gone, she immediately started hitting the little boy. “You dumb bitch!!! Why didn’t you hide your bruises?! Did I not tell you to fucking clean up?!?” She glared as she continued beating him up ruthlessly.

“Geez at this point he wants to be beaten…you enjoy the pain don’t you fucking freak?! You love when you get hurt huh?! Is that why you always act up brat?!?” The man yelled and joined in on beating him up as the boy screamed in pain as tears streamed  down his bruised up face. 

After hours have passed, they threw his unconscious body into his room where there was no bed,  no carpet, just hardwood where there was just dust and dirt. “How about we kill him…he’s a demon so he deserves to die and he’ll finally get out of our hair” the man suggested. “Hm…good idea!” The woman smiled as she yanked the boy from the floor and left the house and into the woods with some fire matches and gasoline. 

“Are you ready?” The man asked as he grabbed the gasoline. “Been ready…now do it quickly!!!” The woman shouted, and the man immediately poured gasoline on the boy.  “W-what’s going on…what is that smile?” He slowly started waking up, looking around confused. “This is your deathbed bitch…now die and go back to hell where you came from!!!” The woman set the match on fire and dropped it on the boy, setting him ablaze as he screamed bloody murder, his screams loud and horrifying. “Die, die!!!” The two chanted with big smirks on their face, their fist in the air as their chanting lasted for 4 hours until the fire finally went out, revealing his burnt up corpse.

“He’s finally dead…let’s go now” the woman sighed in relief as the two started leaving the woods, not even daring to look back. 

End of chapter 1

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