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"Dada! Papa! Wake up!, It's Christmas!" Michel yelled at he jumped on his dad's bed

"Huh?" Tubbo mumbles very sleepily

"It's Christmas!" Come on let's open presents!"Micheal yells into tubbos face

"Micheal, let dada sleep and come on let's go open presents" ranboo says as they sit up

"No I'm coming just let me get coffee first" tubbo says getting up

Ranboo and Micheal sit in from of the tree waiting while tubbo gets the coffee

"Here you go boo" he says as he hands ranboo the coffee

"Thank you tubs" ranboo says while drinking the coffee

"Can I open it?!?" Micheal practically yells while stimming excitedly

"Of course" tubbo says

After opening some presents including blocks,clothes,books,toys and some of random games and things Micheal stands up to go get something

"Where are you going Micheal?" Ranboo asks

"A surprise!" Micheal says as he comes back with a little box

"Open it!" He says as he hands them the box

They untie the bow (Phil must've tied it) when they open the box they see a little perler bead bee and crown

"It's you too!" Micheal says while pointing at the bee then at tubbo and pointing at the crown then at ranboo

Tubbo nearly at tears at this point

"Look at the bottom of the box!" Micheal says

They take out the paper that was at the bottom of the box

It's a drawing

On the left side you have a half black half white creature with a crown and long legs then in the middle you have a figure with pink skin, long ears and overalls then on the right you have a figure with  brown hair, goat horns and bees around it and in the top of it all it says "family"

Ranboo and tubbo we're both at tears

Micheal hugs them

Then after that they play in the snow for a few hours then cuddle up on the couch

They are true family




Also sorry if there's spelling mistakes imi wrote this at 11:48 pm, in bed with no glasses on and terrible ocd attacks



-Jay/Ace that is currently having a gender crisis



Thankkkk youuuu <<3

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