Ch 649: Are You...

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Seeing a barrel of a gun pointing his way, Lin Ye's old self would be a nervous wreck by now. For Lin Ye, in his past life, the only guns that he would ever see were in games.

Any normal person would not be fond of having a gun pointed at them.

However, with what he had to deal with in this life, Lin Ye did not even have the slightest care. From the way the woman was smirking at him, she must know too.

Lin Ye thanked his horribly lived life through gritted teeth.

If not because of his past experience, he wouldn't bring weapons with him when he went into the bathroom.

How many times would this make?

Two times he was attacked in a goddamn bathroom.

That's two too many for his liking.

Did this mean he needed to bring weapons everywhere he goes now?

Lin Ye was not liking this life.

Not that he ever enjoyed it in the first place.

"Normally people wouldn't bring a gun into a bathroom."

His thought was interrupted when he heard the woman in front of him start to talk.

Her name was W, if he remembered it correctly. She was the reason he was attacked at Lungmen.

Which attack?

The first one.

Lin Ye did not like there was more than one.

The naked Doctor sighed tiredly.

"If you live my life, you know that I am the farthest thing from being a normal person."

This only made the mad woman in front of him grin even harder.

Her amusement was not shared with her opponent. W still remembered the cowardly man that ran away at the sight of danger at Lungmen,

It seems that he changed.


The man in front of her killed that person and replaced him.

He almost had the same expression as the cold bitch.

But something was different between the two.

While FrostNova's eyes were cold, this man's was worse.

It was utterly void. No matter how hard she tried to see any emotion in the two sockets of his, W failed to find anything in them.

As they were locked in the staring contest with their guns pointed at each other, after a while the man finally spoke.

"You know, I always had something that I wanted to ask you."

This made her show a curious expression at him.


"Poor choice of words." Lin Ye stated blandly.

Her eyes widened but then W laughed.

"True," She smirked at him, "But not going to change it."

Ahhh, a Lappland. Joy

He thought this to himself.

W steeled herself and waited for him to ask the question. She did not know what he would ask. This man was a mystery to her. Nothing about him gave her any hints about what was going on in his mind.

She saw his lips slowly opening. Her focus was all on him now.

"Are you a pervert?"

W could only react in the most intellectual way in this situation.

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