Chapter 13

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"Loaders, get your rounds in the can."
"Yes, Commander."
"Nav, set a heading for that compound."
"Fire officer, keep a hand on the hot switch, we're just gettin' started here."
"Solid copy."
"Pilot, you have the con. Once on station, circle the target, bring us around."
"Comm, get me General Shepard."
"Rog, stand by.. Shepard's up, sir."

"Gold Eagle Actual, this is Shadow-1, how copy?"
"Loud and clear, Shadow-1, send traffic."
"I had to bail your boys out, luckily they have friends in high places."
"That's what you're there for. Tell me somethin' good."
"We got a hit on Hassan. Approaching the target location now. We'll get this bastard rolled up for a little talking' to.
"That's what I like to hear. Report back when Hassan's in the bag."
"Roger that. Out here. All Shadows, listen up- These guys on the ground.. Mexican special forces, 141, they are your brothers now. You treat 'em like your own and let's get this done, yeah?"
"Alright.. Ghost, this is Shadow-1, orbiting the compound now. Standing by for visual.."
"Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We'll mark our position with IR laser, over."
"Roger that 0-7."


We exited the vehicle and immediately pointed our guns up, "How do we find Hassan?"
"He'll have an armed guard. Cartel protection." Alejandro and Ghost took the lead in heading towards the huge farm like community.

"Lotta places to hide.."
Everyone got into hiding positions behind boulders to take cover in. Alejandro and Ghost were more ahead of Soap and I.
"Graves covers with close air. We clear the buildings."
"Copy that L.T."
"Mark us." Ghost ordered Soap.
"Shadow-1, we're east of the compound. Position is marked."
Soap waved the IR laser up in the air.

The sound of a plane not so far away filled the air, and circled the buildings up ahead.
As we waited me and Soap talked about our lives outside the Army.
"My life... let's just say it's not the best. It's mostly boring. I've done nothing big during my time in the army. When I'm not working, I'm at home or at the bar, wasting away. After this I'll definitely need a drink."
Lying through my teeth, there's no reason he should know something that troubles me deep down. A mission gone so wrong, all because of me.
Soap seemed to perk up at that last bit, "Maybe we all can go out after this, that is, if we don't have any other missions?" Sounded like a question, I simply nodded.
The idea of hanging out with the Vaqueros and the others at the bar, seemed quite destructive. It'll be a rather eventful evening I suppose. Can't wait.

"Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We're marking with IR laser. Do you have a visual, over?"
Ghost leaned into the com link waiting for a response. "Copy, Visual."
"0-7, copy your mark."
"Shadow-1, be advised, Hassan is moving with an armed guard. You cover external, we'll clear the buildings. How copy?"

"0-7, good copy. Armed Guard. We'll secure the area so you can move in. Stand by."

"Roger that."

We had to wait a while until Graves and his team had launched enough bombs to kill off most of the soldiers here.
Multiple voices began to fill the com link, once the first few shots had been fired. They deliberately filled each other in with information of the Cartels whereabouts and other important details.
The most simple mistake of not informing soldiers when something has changed. Can take a big toll on the entire operation. I've seen this happen before on one of my own missions. It lead to devastating consequences.

"Shadow-1, there's a truck leaving the stables, moving west." Ghost broke into the many voices in hopes they heard him. "Copy."

Soap and I carried on our conversation. Throwing pebbles at each other every few seconds out of pure boredom. Soon we're going to have to make a run for it to catch Hassan.

"0-7, no visual on the target. What's the call?"
"An army convoys gaining ground."
"We go in guns glazin', hope he squirts, lock him up from there." Soap interjected, clearly tired of sitting around doing nothing.
"Graves you're cleared hot to engage external. We'll clear the buildings when secure."
Oh great more waiting.

"0-7 copy that. Keep your heads down... All shadows, you're clear to engage armed personnel only. Do not fire on the buildings."

"Copy, armed personnel only."

"Use the 25 mike-mike to limit colateral. Let's make some music."

We kept our heads low and voices completely off as the plane up above shot down at the opposing team.
Voices filled the com link once again updating each other on events taking place.
Those unfortunate, far and near us were exploded into multiple pieces.

"0-7, copy your mark. You're clear to proceed."

Finally. We'll have some form of action and exercise in this.
"Shadow-1, we're moving now. If the target squirts, let us know."

"Shadow-1 copies."

As everyone forced their way into the buildings up ahead. I went in after Ghost and Alejandro. Immediately guns were trailed onto us and shots were fired. A woman and child lay in the middle of this mess.
"Bajarse! Bajarse!"

Some cartel members shouted back, a few bullets will keep them quiet.
I so badly wanted to turn off the com link as it was getting rather loud and annoying.
I went ahead to shoot the cartel members that ran out of the building.
Wasn't the smartest option, but getting them before they got to Hassan would be great.

I ran up ahead towards the other buildings. The plane had taken care of most of the Cartel. Their bodies decorated the ground in the most unpleasant way. There was no fully complete body anywhere, body parts were damaged or thrown across the ground. The area was stained red with the blood of sinners.
"(Y/n- Vibora. Where are you?" Soaps voice filled the radio. "Getting Hassan." "Víbora. Mi amor don't do anything rash." It's most obvious Alejandro cares for you. The nickname 'Mi amor' created a small warmth in me.
"Of course not Alejandro. I'll be careful."
Nice to know at least someone cares for me.

"Multiple vehicles approaching from the south."

You've got to be kidding me. This might be too much action for one day.

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now