I can take care of myself

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I sat under the covers, my arms wrapped around my legs. I was cold even though it was hot in the hellicarrier. I couldn't get the images out of my head, reliving them in that horrible nightmare. Steves blood is doing something to me and I'm not sure I like it.

A knock sounded at my door "can I come in"

"You're going to let yourself in anyway no matter what I say" I said agitated

Steve walked in "because clearly what ever I say doesn't matter to you"

"I just want to make sure your okay, some people just can't handle what we do" He defended

"What we do?" I said getting up and standing right in front of him

"I'm a bad women to keep. Go ahead make me mad, I'm not here to please."

"I'm sorry, it's just. I don't want you to get hurt" he was looking at his feet then his eyes flickered up to meet mine

"I can take care of myself, I don't need someone to protect me"



She stormed out of the room, I knew exactly where she was going.

"Don't follow me" her voice muffled by the distance between us.

I sat down on her bed, what was I going to do? I'm just trying to protect her

"If I may I'd like to give you a tip, because clearly you don't know a thing about women" stark leaned against the doorway

"Might as well" I said

"With a strong women like that" he said pointing towards the way kat had gone "You can't treat her like a baby."

He took a step in "Steve, I'm happy that you've finally found someone but you've got to lay off buddy, it's really obvious"

He patted me on the back "she was at her worst when she needed a hero, so she became her own. She doesn't need someone to save her" and with that he left.

I contemplated for a moment, then I made up my mind.

I walked fast towards the back end of the ship, I pressed the button and stormed into the training room.

"What did I tell you" she said punching the bag

"I know what you said and I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry for worrying about your safety because clearly you don't"

He arms dropped and she turned to me "You do enjoy hearing yourself talk don't you"

It was a rhetorical question

"You sure do like telling people what to do" she started taking slow steps towards me

"Well if there's one thing I hate it's that people tell me what to do." She stopped right in front of me "I am not your lap dog, I don't jump when you say so"

"Wouldn't expect you to"


"Is it bad that I really want to Kiss you right now or am I misreading the situation"

"Is it bad I really want to kiss you pack even thought I'm incredibly pissed"


She pushed me up against The wall and slammed her lips onto mine

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