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Licking his mark then pacing a kiss on it he pulled back looking in her eyes. "You my sweet Lyla, my wonderful mate, have made me the happiest wolf alive." Leaning down he kissed her but with need and urgency this time.

Pulling back he pulled the collar of his shirt down exposing his shoulder. Knowing what he wanted Lyla extended her canines and sunk them into his skin. With his moan of pleasure she withdrew her teeth, licked the mark so her saliva would speed up the healing then on her tiptoes she placed a light kiss on his lips. "I, Lyla Collins, accept you, Tyler Klock, as my mate and protector." With a huge smile and lust in his eyes he replied, "I just linked my dad to meet me at your house. I think he suspects I found my mate." Smiling he pecked her cheek then moved aside so she could step away from the door.

Hand in hand and love in their hearts they walked the few blocks to Lylas parents house. Seeing his dad's truck in the drive Tyler pulled her close and whispered, "Let me start, okay." Nodding they walked the remaining few steps to the front door. Lyla stopped. "Nervous?" Just shaking her head yes he kissed her head, "You take a minute to collect yourself and I will go in and talk to my dad."

With the door closed she took a few deep breaths calming her nerves. Her luck had finally changed.

Sweetheart are you ready? Her body jerked. Startled, having forgotten they were connected now and could mind link each other.

Yes. She opened the door and saw a happy Karin sitting very close to where Tyler and his dad were standing. Tyler smiled as she entered as did both her parents. 'Wow,' she thought, 'they are actually happy for me.'

"We have great news Lyla, come in and close the door." Her dad instructed.

Doing as she was told she closed it then stepped beside her mom looking at Tyler's happy face.

"I can't believe I found my mate!" Lyla practically yelled with happiness.

"Really, I feel sorry for that poor soul and I can't blame him for rejecting a whore and looser like you. Just suck it up and move on. We knew it would end this way you should have known too." Karin spat with a look of disdain on her face.

"Known what? What are you talking about?" Lyla said confused. She glanced at Tyler then back to Karin.

Lyla's mom patted her shoulder awkwardly "Rejection is hard but you will live, and if not we have always told you how worthless you are."

Simultaneously Lyla screamed, "But he marked me!" Moving her hair to show the mark with tears streaming down her face. "It was all a lie! Just more fuel to make me feel like shit!"

While Tyler screamed, "What! How could parents ever say that about their child." On the verge of shifting. "Lyla no, every word I said is true."

Tyler started towards Lyla but Karin grabbed him by the arm and slinked up to his chest purring, "Forget that nerdy loser let's get back to us as mates. I have been waiting years for this day."

He pushed her away and looked for Lyla but she was gone. He could sense her still in the house though.

"Tyler, tell me what just happened," his dad demanded.

"What's happened is, these disrespectful hypocritical beings just insulted my mate, which I sense has been happening for a long time, and made her think I don't want her." Tyler faced his dad shaking violently.

"Calm down son, we will clear this up."

Lyla hunny. I would never reject you.

I can't believe I fell for all those lies. To think anyone would actually want me. So, so stupid!

No. I love you Lyla, please let me show you . No reply.

"Lyla can't be your mate! I'm your mate." Karin yelled.

Slowly walking towards her, "You will never measure up to my precious Lyla. You and your parents are a disgrace to our kind." Tyler said with menace.

"How dare you speak to us that way!" Both parents erupted. "We treat our kids as we see fit. They are loved and cared for."

Laughing Tyler started towards the stairs but was stopped short when a hand grabbed his arm swinging him around. "Listen here, you will mate with my daughter."

Punching him in the face he dropped to the floor, blood gushing. Tyler stood over the bleeding man with a smirk. Pulling his collar down he showed his mark, "I WILL mate your daughter, just not the one you want me to. We have marked and accepted each other and I for one am more than thrilled she won't ever have to step another foot in this hateful house again." Turning back around Tyler took a step trying to link with Lyla again.

Sweetie, please. I didn't know they hated you so much. Please I love you, just answer me. Still nothing in reply.

Karin went insane, screaming and throwing things.

"Enough! Do not disrespect me or your pack ever again!" Tyler's dad commanded.

"We meant no disrespect Alpha Drew. We just thought Karin would be mated to Tyler." The sorry excuse for a mother bowed in respect.

"And why not Lyla? What's wrong with Lyla and Tyler being mates. She is your daughter also." Alpha Drew asked.

"Lyla is not... like others. She disrespects us every chance she gets, she doesn't mingle well with others, she's just different." The mother went on.

"I have watched all your children grow up since you came to our land and were excepted in our pack. Lyla shows compassion and friendship to every person she meets. She is very popular and has many friends. How do you explain that if she doesn't get along well with others." Alpha Drew asked, shocked at their outright disrespect and betrayal towards their own family.

"But Karin says Lyla always embarrassed her and that she was pitied." The mom told Alpha Drew. "Everyone loves Karin why doesn't Tyler?"

Looking at Karin he motioned her to stand before him, "Why would you blatantly lie about your sister."

She just looked at the floor as tears streaked her face. "Answer me!" Alpha Drew commanded.

Jumping she looked back at her mom then at the floor again, "She's so pretty and popular. She gets along with everyone and they all know her name. It makes me so jealous. No one ever stops and tells me hi or asks for advice. They just see me as the Collin's youngest sibling. Always 'the sister' never my name. Adam and Lyla are like the perfect students and role models for the whole high school and I hate them for it. I never get a chance to prove myself."

"So you belittle your sister and lie to your parents so they hate her also." Alpha asked astonished at her actions.

"If they hate her too then I would at least be a somebody at home." She finished as her mom wailed.

"How could you? All this time we thought Lyla was the bully and mean one. When all along you were manipulating us to do your bidding. I'm a terrible mother." She broke down and was flailing around on the couch. "I broke my promise!"

"From this day forth you three will no longer be welcome in this pack. You will have one day to pack what you need and leave our territory." He looked down at the threesome in disgust. "May the goddess help you all." Drew walked out the door and drove away.

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