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*Cameron's POV*

"Hey so do you want to walk with me tomorrow to science?"

"Umm yeah thanks for being my friend..."

"Well I know how hard it is to make friends especially when you are bullied.."

"Yeah it's hard when jocks are bulling you and everybody's just sitting their starting at you. Do you know how that feels?"

"Yeah it's hard, and yes I do know how it feels. It sucks ass when no one cares. It's like telling other people how it feels and put them in your shoes and see how they feel. I'm pretty sure they won't like it."

"Yeah, thank you again for being there for me and being my friend. It really means a lot."

"Anytime and you are my friend for now on. And whenever you need help just tell me. Ok?"

"Umm yeah sure. Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you think about ever killing yourself?"

"Umm no... Maybe sometimes. But I really don't do it. Or don't plan on doing it. Do you?"

"Umm yeah but I'm still scared..."


"Scared of not controlling it. Like killing myself..."

"No you can just think of me as your friend. Think of your family."

"No I won't think of my family. I've only known you for an hour!"

"Why not your family? And I know you've only known me for an hour but we can get to be really good friends."

"Because they don't care about me.... That's the main reason why I feel like killing myself. And those stupid jocks.!"

"They don't care about you? Well I do now and you not gonna kill yourself. Ok?"




"See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah definitely. Bye.


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