Christmas Party This Saturday!!

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Ken: There will be a Christmas party on Saturday!

Iris: Awesome!

Ken: There will be pizza, music, games, and gift exchange!

Steven: I want my Alexa!

Owen: Since when is Christmas all about gifts?

Larry: Boy, you have a lot to learn!

Iris: Absolutely, Larry! I have to go to the hospital to pay Abraham a visit! *leaves*

Claire: This is gonna be the best Christmas party ever! I love Christmas!

Me: Me too, babe!

All Of Us: *singing* The Little Drummer Boy*

Steven: Oh gosh, no! *covers his ears*

This story was written on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022.

A/N Big Christmas shindig on Saturday!!! 🎄🎄 Gonna get into the Christmas spirit! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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