chapter 16

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Weak went by since they brought soobin with them but they still don’t have an idea where does that boy live , whenever they ask him , soobin just keep his head low so they just assumed that maybe he don’t have a home , so they decided to keep soobin meanwhile in jimin house as taehyung and jungkook house don’t have an extra room for him to stay .

In a weak soobin came too close to them , three of them even brought him clothes and bring snacks for him time to time and even because of him three of them started spending time together more , they started spending time in jimin house for many hours playing games , gossiping or watching tv .

But now jimin and taehyung think that they should search for soobin home so he could go home but jungkook thinks different .

‘ jungkook …jimin !!! We need to ask soobin about his house …we can’t keep him with us for life without telling anyone ..its illegal’ taehyung stated .

‘we know jungkook …you like him we too like him but taehyung is right ...he needs to go home’ jimin said as he drives car .

‘but he seems to enjoy with us …remember how he was when we first saw him’ jungkook argued .

‘ ofcourse we remember ...and I agree with you …but think jungkook he enjoy when we are with him but we have our college ..our home ...even right now I am sure at home he must be bored sitting alone in the room’ taehyung said looking back so he could look jungkook face properly as jungkook was sitting in the back .

Jungkook sighed and couldn’t say anything because inside he also know they were right but still he was not ready to let soobin go, he was feeling a little unknown connection with him . A connection like a mother have with a child .

‘ sir may I come in’ a boy wearing black suit asked standing outside some office door .

Suddenly office door gets open and that boy walked inside with a brown file in hand and put it on the desk and stood straight taking few steps back with head low .

‘sir …I got some information about the person you asked’ the boy said with still head low.

‘good ..!!’ the man replied taking file in his hand and started looking inside it , but that boy was still standing in front of him .

He closed that file and put it back on the table ‘why …something more to say ?’

‘ and sir ..’ the boy hesitate but still continue ' about that task ..can I please leave that ..i don’t think I will be able to complete it ' .

The man smirked , he opened the drawer of the desk , took out the cigarette and started smoking ‘and may I know the reason because whatever I asked you to do something have done it no matter how bad it was so what’s the problem now ?’

The boy gulped before ‘there is no problem …its just I don’t think I won’t be able to do what you asked sir ..I am sorry' He confessed clenching his hand into fist .

‘I .. don’t ..want …YOUR FUCKING SORRY ' that man ended his sentence screaming  and threw that cigarette on the boy angrily .

That cigarette burnt the boy face but still he didn’t move or doge and accept it while standing with his head low .

‘I am sorry sir ..’ boy apologize bowing down his head and walked out of the office leaving the angry boss inside .

Jimin house

‘hello aunty’ 

‘good evening aunty’

Both jungkook and taehyung greets the aunty who works and take of jimin .

‘welcome home ...with you both home our young lord is always happy ..’ aunty thanked as she closes the door for three of them .

Jimin as always threw his bag on the sofa and back hugged the aunty ' aunty ….how many time do I tell you …don’t call me that …please’
Aunty smiled tapping jimin face with her hand .

‘ and we both are happy too since we became friends ..right jungkook’ taehyung said smiling .

Jungkook nodded ‘right …I am happy since I met you both’ said smiling , looking taehyung and jimin both , a string like something get pulled in their heart together just by jungkook look .

Jimin moved back from the hug and started walking towards his room upstairs ‘aunty we are in my room …you don’t need to worry about our food whenever we feel hungry we will take make it ourselves can rest’ .

Jungkook and taehyung also followed jimin to his room but jungkook wanted to be first to meet soobin , so he started running saying ' we are home soobin’ .

Taehyung and jimin smiled and started running too behind jungkook .

In a second the chasing was converted into race competition to jimin room .

‘I am first …I am first’ jungkook came inside the room saying this while huffing . Taehyung was second and jimin third .

Jimin was totally tired so he just came inside and lay down on the floor ‘how both ..can run …so fast’

Soobin was stunned when he saw three of them coming inside the room all of the sudden , he didn’t hear jungkook voice or their laughing because he was listening loud music with earphone .

He removed his earphone right away putting his drawing notebook aside ‘why…what happened ? ….why were you running ? Is something wrong ? Was someone chasing you ’ soobin asked three of them raising his eyebrows together with tension clearly visible in his eyes .

Jungkook first looked taehyung and jimin with question look who looked back and then sat on bed near soobin ‘hey ..hey its okay ... don’t worry we were just joking no one is chasing us don’t worry’ .

Soobin finally calm down as soon he heard jungkook calm voice .

Jungkook was looking soobin when suddenly he noticed something , he held soobin chin softly without any force and asked ‘soobin …what happened ? Why is your face hurt ?’
Hearing this Jimin and taehyung also came near soobin and sat on the bed to look carefully ‘hey soobin what happened ? Why are you hurt ?' jimin asked observing carefully soobin face .

‘tell us…is that boy from that ally or someone related to him who hurt you ?’ taehyung asked.

Soobin was stunned looking at their worried faces , he didn’t expected that they would be this worried for him , this made him feel secure and without knowing the corner of his mouth curled up making him smile ‘ its okay …I am not that much hurt and no suho or suho members didn’t hurt me .. instead it was me’
Jungkook , jimin and taehyung started looking at soobin with question thinking what is he talking about .

Soobin chuckled and continue  ‘ I was alone at home …so I thought to make something fried at home ...but before I have never made anything for myself so by mistake when I put the vegetables in fry pan …I don’t know how some vegetables inside fry pan started flying and one of them flew and hit on my face’ soobin explained rubbing his back of head as he was embarrassed .

After explaining soobin was waiting of their reply  but Jungkook , jimin and taehyung were dumbfounded , they just sat their looking each other .

Jimin was first one who moved , his mouth was twitching ‘you hit by vegetables .. vegetable ?’ jimin asked to which soobin nodded and  in the end he couldn’t control and started laughing loudly holding his stomach ‘ohh poor soobin …' Jimin said while laughing .
Looking at him taehyung and jungkook who was sitting controlling their laughter started laughing too .

Soobin was so embarrassed but listening himself loud , he also started chuckling with them .

Soobin grabs his pillow and buried his face in it to hide his red embarrassed face from them .  

Looking at him like this they even started laughing more and jimin was laughing loudly before but now he just fall down on the floor laughing holding his stomach ‘he ..he got hit …by vegetables’ jimin says in between his laughing .

‘stop it …' soobin says as he threw his pillow on jimin but jimin just kept laughing .
‘its okay soobin …let me put something ..on that’ jungkook said as he tries to control his laugh .

‘ you are laughing too ' soobin complaint but this only made taehyung laugh more ‘sorry …sorry soobin …I can’t anymore …hahah ..’ taehyung said laughing too .

Jungkook covered his mouth with hand to stop his laughing but it was working .
Soobin was so embarrassed now that red color was nothing in front of his face , he grabbed another pillow and started beating jungkook and taehyung with that .

‘ohh you want a fight …then bring it on kid’ taehyung said as he garbs pillow from ground which earlier soobin has thrown on jimin and with that taehyung started fighting back while laughing . 

Soon jungkook also took the sofa pillow and next moment they started having pillow fight with each other as their laughing noises echo down the stairs .

Aunty who was cooking food for them smiled ‘may god give them all happiness and let them be happy and together always’.

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