Chapter 65

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Lisa:    So what's the plan?

I stared at my phone, tapping the side of it as if it would type out an answer for me.

Me:    I don't know

Yoongi shuffled around beside me in the bed, Jimin was asleep on my stomach, and Hobi sprawled out on the other side of me.
Even though Lisa had left hours ago, I couldn't fall asleep.

Lisa:    Well, Rose asked when we would all be hanging out again.
Me:    Awwwww
Me:    I'm glad they all got along
Lisa:    I tried to subtly ask Rose about her crush
Lisa:    But she said that Namjoon was just making sure she felt comfortable
Lisa:    Apparently it's a dog pack thing idk

I paused for a moment, thinking about how I could word my next message. The guilt was eating at me and I hadn't even said anything yet.

Me:    So... what did you think of the pack?
Lisa:    They seem nice
Lisa:    I mean, it's a lot to take on a whole other pack
Lisa:    They got on well enough, but I don't know if Rose would want another pack in her home, you know?

Yes, I did know. That was my whole dilemma with my own pack. Their home was no longer just their own anymore.

Lisa:    It's still early days
Lisa:    Don't stress too much
Lisa:    We'll figure something out
Me:    Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine

After saying goodnight to my friend, I finally put my phone down and attempted to sleep.

"What's going on with Jin's pack?" Yoongi mumbled out.
My body jumped in fright, getting an angry hiss from Jimin in return.

"Were you looking at my texting?" I asked him, holding my hand over my heart, attempting to calm myself.

"N-no... I mean- well I just saw a little bit! Not on purpose!" he stuttered out.
He sounded so guilty and it was too cute.

"I'm just trying... to sort things out" I told him, scratching his ears gently.

He mumbled in response, pushing his head further into my hand. I let out a sigh and tried to sleep. Being tired wasn't going to help me solve anything.

I watched Jimin, Hobi, Jungkook, and Taehyung muck around outside. Jimin and Jungkook seemed to be in some kind of handstand competition, while Hobi and Taehyung were the judges.

Every now and then they switched it up and did cartwheels.

They just looked so happy and carefree, like they were already a family. I was starting to worry less and less about my pack being unhappy with the other hybrids being here, and more about separating them now.

Is that how packs work? If they spend enough time together do they just merge and become packmates?

Lisa had come over with Rose again, keeping me company this Saturday afternoon while I lamented in self pity.

Rose hung out with the rest of my guys, the four of them watching a movie in the living room.

I could barely keep up with what was going on anymore, what with 7 hybrids living in my house, Lucas still existing, and the ever looming threat of Taehyung's discovery in my home. All I could do was focus on taking small sips of my tea.

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