Chapter nine

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On Halloween morning Elio woke up and went down to breakfast with everybody. While Harry was looking thoroughly depressed, Elio was practically vibrating in his seat in anticipation.

"We'll bring you lots of sweets back from Honeydukes" said Hermione looking desperately sorry for Harry, there was no sympathy for Elio whatsoever. In her eyes the boy deserved his unjust punishment, though it was unknown to them that Remus wouldn't let him go because his murderous father was on the loose.

"Yeah loads " said Ron

"Don't worry about us" Said Harry "Me and Lio are gonna go flying"

Elio and Harry accompanied Ron and Hermione to the entrance hall, where Filch the caretaker was stationed inside the front doors checking off names off a long list peering suspiciously into every face and making sure that no one was sneaking out who shouldn't be going.

"Staying here Lupin? Potter?" shouted Malfoy who was standing in line with Crabbe and Goyle "Scared of passing the dementors?"

Elio ignored the blonde boy, no one was going to ruin today for him. He was high with excitement.

The curly haired boy left Harry at the bottom the stairs, he told the bespectacled boy that he had a few things he needed to sort out and that he'd meet him back in the common room shortly.

He added the last few touches to the cauldrons, once Snape's greasy black hairs bubbled away the potion turned from a muddy sludge to a vile tar colour, Black like Snape's soul he mused.

The nasty coal colour just simply wouldn't do so he preformed an easy colour changing spell and the cauldrons were now filed with a nice warm orange brew. He bottled the potion and filled his school bag to the brim with glass bottles full of the orange polyjuice.

His bag heavy he snuck down the stairs by the great hall that lead down to the Hufflepuff basement. He came face to face with the familiar painting of the bowl of fruit, he tickled the pear and it giggled. The door swung open and he entered the kitchen not before hiding under Harry's borrowed invisibility cloak

Undetected, the boy swerved his way through the small little house elves who were bustling around the kitchen getting prepared for the feast that evening.

He found the Barrels of pumpkin juice in the pantry and pried the lids off. Unscrewing the caps of the many bottles full of polyjuice he dumped the potion into the barrels with a manic grin on his face.

All in a days work, Elio made his way back to Gryffindor tower but when he crawled through the portrait hole Harry was no where to be seen. Elio shrugged and made his way to his dad's office remembering his promise to visit to catch up and have tea.

Barging into his dad office, Elio was surprised to see the boy he'd been looking for sat having a cuppa with his dad a photo album sat open between them, the Lupin boys eyes widened in horror.

"Er- Harry what are you doing here?"

"Your dad was just showing me these adorable pictures of you" Harry replied with a shit eating grin pointing at a picture of a 3 year old Elio holding a giant lolly pop

"Your dad was just showing me these adorable pictures of you" Harry replied with a shit eating grin pointing at a picture of a 3 year old Elio holding a giant lolly pop

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