Chapter 33

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There are a lot of things in this world that can get your heart racing.

A thrill of a roller coaster ride.

An adrenaline to fight.

Meeting up with your crush.

When reality slaps you in the face and you realize that you're about to die.

Getting dragged around by a chimpanzee by your foot.

But in that moment, I made a newfound discovery and added something on the bottom of that list.

Your date meeting your opponent from a fight that he forbidden you to take any part of and possibly figuring out that you are fighting for the money to help him with his mother's medications.

Yeah. FML.

"Who. The. Fuck. Are. You." Adam gritted out once again, already on his feet and a step behind me. The guy smirked at him.

"Oh, does the wittle fighter has a boyfriend?" I anxiously watched as they glared at each other, switching my stare back and forth between them.

"Well, this boyfriend is going to kick your ass if you don't start running." Adam growled lowly so that no one else can hear him. My breath got caught in my throat as the words left his mouth.

Come on, Case. It's not the time for acting like a school girl fangirling over her crush.

Dammit. Wasn't there some sort of code against acknowledging your ex-competitor in public?

"Okay, let's take this outside, shall we?" I suggested slowly and The scowl tattooed guy shot me a warning glance, challenging me to scurry off before turning and exiting the small fast food restaurant with some guy tailing him.

I immediately turned to Adam and tried to calm him down before warning him of what's about to go down.

"I'll explain everything later. He's some dude I fought and he lost against me. He's probably going to ask for another fist fight so whatever happens, don't cut in and take any hits." I told him in a rush. He looked like he was about to object but I shot him a look before leading him outside the restaurant.

Why now, God? Why must it be today of all days? I just want to go home, lock this day in 'best memory' box and sleep on it.

The more that I thought about all this, the more agitated I felt towards this guy for interrupting our date. Motherfucker. I dressed up for this and he's not going to ruin it just because he's too much of a wimp to accept the fact that he lost against me.

I know I'm a girl and all, but bro, when a girl lands you on your ass in a competition, go be a smart guy and start running the other way cause the chances of that being a coincidence or a beginner's luck is as low as your IQ.

I am not letting this bastard get the better of my night.

It was dark outside as I turned around, searching for the asshole that started this in the first place so that I can beat the crap out of him.

I finally caught sight of him in the mouth of an alley and I stalked towards him. Who the fuck does he think he is, trying to ruin a perfect date night because of his fucked up ego?

"Where's your friend?" I snapped irritably as I looked around. A missing guy is never good.

"None of your Goddamn business." He snapped back and I reeled back a bit the second his hand raised in its own accord and he seemed to realize it as he lower it down. Fear spiked in me. There is something terribly wrong with this dude. Something frightening.

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