Period pain

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Your lying in bed and feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You try to stifle a groan as Loki is still asleep but when you try to sit up you can't help it.
'Arguh.' You hiss trying to keep yourself quite. You hobbled over to the bathroom and you fall to your knees on the floor with a groan. Silent tears falling, you lock the door.

'Hmm, darling are you alright? Where are you?' Loki panics hearing your groan and noticing your not besides him in bed.

'I'm in the bathroom.' You call out, Loki walks over and tries to unlock the door.

'Yn. Open the door.' Loki sternly states.

'No, I'm just feeling sick.' You reply, but Loki doesn't listen, he opens the door with his magic and sits on the floor next to you, pulling you into his lap.

'What's wrong?' Loki presses.

'It's fine Loki.' You retort.

'Tell me what's wrong, now.' Loki commands.

'It's silly.' You sniffle.

'I didn't ask that. I asked what is hurting you, not how bad you think it is.' Loki confirms.

'I- my period. I've just got some painful cramps.' You softly reply.

'My poor baby. Thank you for telling me. How about I run you a hot bath?' Loki offers.

'Mumhgh.' You groan crawling up into a ball sniffling a bit because of the pain you are in. Loki fills the bath with steamy hot water and bubbles, adding some rose petals along with some candles to make it more relaxing for you.

'I'll look after you today ok.' Loki says but not really as a question.

'Aurgh.' You moan biting down on your lip and gripping your stomach.

'Do you want some pain medicine darling?' Loki suggests.

'No.' You respond.

'Well your having it.' Loki chuckles giving you a kiss on your cheek and you can't be bother fighting him about it. He uses his magic to bring the medicine and some water into his hands. 'Open.' Loki demands. He sits you on top of him earning another pain filled groan which he can tell you tried to cover. 'You don't have to hide your pain from me you know?' Loki asks.

'It's embarrassing.' You whimper as you swallow the pills.

'It's not embarrassing darling, its incredible the things your body can stand.' Loki confirms.

'Your just saying that and I know you are.' You say rolling your eyes.

'I promise I'm not.' Loki giggles at how stubborn you are with this sort of thing.

'Yeah yeah.' You reply. Groaning again and tears prickle your eyes.

'Darling you don't have to act like it doesn't hurt.' Loki whispers noticing the tears in your eyes. You ball up into his chest and sob slightly, hot tears streaming down your face.

'Loki! I'm probably bleeding on you.' You whisper yell.

'It's all right darling. Take some deep breaths for me.' Loki undresses you laying you down in the water as he kneels next to you. He gently strokes your hair and you begin to relax into the it. He washes your hair and body for you while you close your eyes. Loki sits with you for a while before you decide to get up. Loki carries you over to the bed in which he has already magically changed the sheets and lays you down. Loki brings out a hot water bottle, some massage oil and chocolate for you. He gently massages your stomach and turns the tv on.

'Loki stop.' You groan.

'Oh sorry darling.' Loki apologies.

'I don't need you to take care of me. This hot water bottle is too hot and nothing is right, this day is ruined. I feel sick, I hate this episode.' You pout. 'Sit over there.' Pointing to the chair next to you and shooing him off the bed.

'Yes sorry love, I'll change the episode, I just want to help, the hot water bottle will cool down soon. Last time you told me you like it really hot.' Loki replies sitting on the chair next to you.

'I do but not this time.' You whimper.

'I uh I'm sorry you wouldn't have known I'm just you know.' You mumble after a couple seconds.

'That's ok darling.' Loki chuckles, he uses his magic to get you dressed in some comfy clothes and he gets himself dressed.
A few minutes later you just look at Loki for a moment. 'What my love?' Loki asks.

'What?' You groan.

'Your looking at me?' Loki questions confused.

'No I'm not.' You say turning away.

'You were before.' Loki protests.

'No I wasn't!' You cry.

'Ok darling.' Loki replies.

'You think I'm stupid? I'm not feeling well don't test me.' You respond.

'I'm not testing you Yn.' Loki protests understanding your just having a mood swing, he doesn't get angry or frustrated he's very patient with you.

'Go away.' You mumble and Loki leaves the room. He stands just outside the door knowing what's about to happen. He can hear you sniffling and sure enough. 'Lokiiii!' You cry and he walks back in to you doing grabby arms at him. He sits down next to you all pulls you into his lap.

'I know baby, I know.' Loki coos.

'I'm sorry, stay. I love you.' You mumble.

'I know, I'm not going anywhere. I love you too.' Loki confirms.

'Loki.' You sigh snuggling up into him.

'I'm here.' Loki reassures seeing tears in your eyes. He gently rubs your stomach and turns up the volume. He unwraps the chocolate and puts some into your open mouth. 'How about some breakfast?' Loki asks.

'Noooo.' You complain. 'I don't want to eat.'

'Ok.' Loki answers moving the chocolate away.

'Give it back!' You yell.

'You said you didn't want to eat?' Loki questions.

'Breakfast not chocolateee.' You whine.

'If you want chocolate you have to eat breakfast.' Loki shrugs.

'Stop itt! Your being mean.' You whimper and tears fall down your cheeks.

'Darling, I understand you may not want to eat breakfast right now but it will make you feel bette-.'

'No! You think I'm acting all annoyed because of my period but maybe it's just because your annoying!' You humph.

'Sure little one.' Loki teases and he begins to tickle you, knowing not to take anything you say seriously.

'Sto ahh stop it loo kii stop ahh.' You laugh squirming around.

'Will you have some breakfast?' Loki presses.

'N- ahh fine yes, Loki yess.' You squeal.

'Good girl.' Loki whispers, your breakfast appearing before you. You begin to eat as you watch tv with Loki until you have finished your plate. Once you finished you relaxed as the pain medicine started to kick in and you fell asleep on Lokis chest.

The rest of the day Loki sits by you and does anything he can for you. He doesn't let you get up and makes sure your drinking plenty water and taking some medicine. He's very patient and understands you can't control your period.

Loki x Yn imagines/ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now