Chapter 20: Blood Bound

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"You know, once your blood hits the paper, there's no turning back." Malik said to me, warning me of our agreement.

It had been a month since we'd gotten married, I'd been acting the perfect wife infront of everybody else, attening important meetings...bascially just being the perfect wife for a vampire.

The night of our wedding, I made Malik promise me that he would get somebody to make me forget when I leave. I didn't want to remember a place like this even in my nightmares. Everything that had happened to me since I'd gotten here, some of the people that I'd met, all the pain that I'd suffered...All of it I wanted to just be gone.

He promised but he said that we could make it official, make it a binding contract so that neither of us could back out, no matter what.

He'd been acting much kinder to me recently, it almost made me feel guilty that I was agreeing to the blood bind, but not guilty enough. I didn't feel guilty that I was leaving him, the only part I felt guitly about was that he liked me more than I liked him.

It creeped me out more than anything to think about being with a person like him. Of course he was kind, very very handsome and he always seemed to be thinking about how to help me, he was a vampire and if he wanted to he could kill me with just a flicker of his wrist.

I made sure that I didn't give him mixed signals, he knows that I don't think of him in that way and today was a relief that we were making a sort of contract that couldn't be broken.

"When I say that, I mean that your blood will drive your body into wanting to do whatever the contract conditions are." Malik said, beginning to write out the contract in cursive hand writing.

"Uh-huh." I said, eager to sign it today.

"'The conditions are that as soon as I think of a way to let you leave here without people asking questions or I think of something that you can do to help me then I promise to get one of my vampires to compel you to forget everything from this place. If I can not thing of anything in the next year then I promise to get a vampire to compel you and get you released.' do we have a deal?" he asked, dropping some of his own blood on the paper.

I stared at it, took the knife from the table and then slit my hand, letting a couple of drops of my blood hit the paper.

I drank some blood from Maliks wrist at the same time so that my injury would heal without any vampires getting a smell of my blood.

"Now, we burn the paper!" Malik said and then got a lighter out of his pocket.

"What? Why?"

"It makes the contract more binding, the ash gets spred into the environment and so even the environment will know about our contract which means that it'll have to be followed through with no matter what unfortunately."

I nodded.

I watched as the thick yellow paper bended around as the flame spread from one corner of it, all the way up the front of it turning it a dark brown colour.

Malik dropped the paper out the window into the darkness but before it could touch the ground wind hit it and brought it high into the sky where it fell apart into hot ashes and spread far off into the distance.

"Happy?" he asked with genuine care. One thing with Malik that almost  made me feel more than just annoyance towards him was that he was genuine. I'd never seen him lie to anybody, talk about anybody behind their back or betray anybody. Whenever he asked me how I was or when he wondered if I was alright it was always with genuine wonder in his eyes.

His eyes told the truth.

"Thank you." I replied not answering his question. I didn't want to upset him more than this already was for him and I could tell that behind the fácade that he was actually upset but trying to hide it from me. He didn't want me to feel guilty about hurting him.

"No. Thank you for not making this difficult." he smiled and turned away before I could reply, "What did Sedrick say to you after the wedding? You looked really upset when you came back inside and I just haven't been able to shake that feeling off my mind."

"Oh." I was upset and I was still really annoyed about it. He'd intentionally hurt me, full well knowing that that day was more diffulct for me than any that I'd ever experienced. But...I didn't really want to think about it, Sedrick was just....irritating. "Nothing really."

"Are you sure? It didn't look that way."

I almost felt like I had to tell him but I didn't, "It was just an emotional day. That's all." I smiled to reasuure him but I knew it wasn't the truth. I didn't want to tell him about every single little thing that happens between me and his jack ass of an older brother, I could stand up for myself and I knew that Malik would only do something like kick Sedrick out again which if I really wanted then I would ask him to do it myself.

"Okay....Well if you ever want to talk about it then you can but I know what you're like and you'll talk to other people about if you really want to but just know that my ears are always here." he smiled at me and then changed his compuser as if he was about to leave, "I'm sorry to cut this short but I've got a meeting with the council regarding the slayers. I can get Marcus to walk you back to the room if you would like?"

"Ermm....I think I know my way by now, I can walk but than you anyway." I still remembered the way Marcus had been so eager to kill me. I knew that I was asking for it but he defied Malik which meant that even his master couldn't really protect me from him.

"Okay. Well, I guess I'll see you later then." he said and then moved awquardly towards me.

He hugged me affectionatelly and I hugged him back, he was my friend I supposed but that was all there was, nothing underlying from me and I hoped that he would forget about me. 

"Cheer up." he whispered and smiled at me.

I nodded and before I could speak he left the room going off to his meeting or whatever.

I stayed for several minutes looking out the window into the hot air outside. I watched the burning embers of the paper hit the floor slowly and then get pulled away once again by another gust of wind even further into the distance.

A year seemed like a long time but at least there was an end to this hell.

A.N. - So this chapter is kinda boring so I'm gonna try an upload another. Thanks for reading, it means so much to me :D leave a comment or whatever, but thank you anyway :D

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now