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"What do you mean someone took him?!" I asked and looked around. "I mean that someone took him." Sam said as I clenched my jaw.

"Well no shit, Sam! He's not supposed to be taken! He's too strong for that." I said feeling my heart race.

"This happens. We have to find him before it's too late though." Sam said and looked at the wrecked car we were standing next to.

"Jake and Corey are on the way to get us." He said and went to unscrew the license plate. "How are you so calm?" I asked and chewed my lip nervously.

Something about Colby being taken was shaking me to my core. He was strong and was always trying to protect me.

I hated that I was scared for him.

"There's no use freaking out over something that we can't change." He said then looked up at me.

I had never seen Sam look so confident before. Sure, I knew he was good at his job and I had seen him in action before but he reminded me of Colby right now.

Calm and sure of himself and his decisions.

"He's not gonna give up so easily. Plus, they probably won't kill him immediately." Sam said as a car pulled up.

"Hey, you guys good?" Jake asked as Sam put his hand on my back. "We need to find Colby." Sam said then led me towards the car.

"He got kidnapped? That's Julia's job." Jake said as I rolled my eyes. "Ouch." I said causing him to laugh.

"It's true." He said as we got in the car. "He's in danger and you guys need to take it more seriously." I said and crossed my arms.

"Julia's got a crush." Corey sang. "I don't have a crush. He's just my only way of getting to go home." I said and looked out the window.

"We have to alert the secret society." Sam said and grabbed his phone.

"How do we do that?" Corey asked as I sighed. "Go to their base." I said as Sam shook his head.

"It's off limits." He said as Corey started driving. "Not to me. Drop me off." I said as Sam looked over at me.

"Are you sure you want to get wrapped up into this?" He asked as I nodded. "Positive." I said as he sighed.

"Alright. Corey, you know where it is?" Sam asked as Corey nodded. "I think so." He said as I looked over at Sam.

"What do you think they want from him?" I asked as he shrugged. "Information. They'll want his title in the end though so we need to be careful but fast." He said as I nodded.

I could feel the tension building in my chest knowing that Colby was in danger.

I knew he could handle himself but the idea that someone like him could get caught by these people meant I would be fucked.

We drove for a while before we got to the alleyway that would lead to the secret society base.

"It could be dangerous getting in there." Sam said as I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be careful." I said as Sam pulled his phone out. "Take this. We'll keep in touch." He said then handed me his phone.

"Okay." I said then closed the door and made my way down the dark alley.

I had to admit I was a little scared to be doing this, but I knew all of the people in this gang knew me.

When I got to the door that led to an elevator I waited, hoping someone would come out.

Usually people were in and out of this place often so the chances of someone coming out was high.

I was only standing there for a couple minutes before the elevator door was opening.

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