Dagna Dear

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"So.... how do you feel about going to Orzammar?!"  Alistair asks Isana the next day "you act as though I didn't live there for two years or have never been there before afterwards.... I do have a friend there it'll be nice to see her"  she replies he smiles "though I think before we head that way.... I'd like to.... head back to Ostagar and.... see what happened to Cailan's body one thing's for sure I do NOT want to go alone!"  she says sadly he nods with matching sadness then replies "we should shouldn't we!?! and neither would I"  she nods then says "he had important documents and stuff there as well we should find them before someone else does not to mention his weapons and armor Maker only knows what happened those! AND his fathers sword is in the chest that has the documents"  he nods then they walk over to where Solana was and tell her what they planned on doing and of course she wanted to come with it was those three, Sten, and Wynne once they get to Ostagar they find it overrun by darkspawn and Sten got to see a wounded dwarfs fighting skills up close and her anger boil at the sight of the darkspawn with the kings armor then there was the sadness he saw in her eyes when they found Cailan's body Isana cups the dead mans cheek and whispers softly with a sorrowful tone "I am sorry my friend you should not have been left here and disgracefully defiled in such a manner for you are a better man and king than most gave you credit for but I am short and weak and could not carry two body's at the same time!"  she turns to Alistair who had smiled at her ending words and says softly "help me get him down.... please!"  Alistair nods then does as he's told and Solana assists them "now what do we do!?! we can't take him home not with Loghain sitting on his throne and I do not want to bury him here nor do I have the coin to take him to Highever and most I definitely don't have the coin to take him to Orlais which would fit his flamboyant ways better!"  Isana asks softly Alistair chuckles "we'll take him back to camp and bury him there"  Solana says Isana nods then replies "well we better find a way to hide him cause if we're seen with his body especially in the way they left it things will only get worse"  Solana nods Isana looks at Wynne and asks "do you know a spell that can change his appearance for awhile or perhaps cloak him in some way?! the only other things I can think of are a large sack or stuffing him in a chest and I'd rather not resort to that.... I know he's dead, that his soul has left his body and he won't feel any of it but.... he's been through enough not to mention if thieves see us with either of the lather they may try to steal them!"  Wynne nods then casts a spell to cloak her friends body and much to Alistair, Wynne and Solana's surprise Sten offered to carry the body back to camp and for some odd reason Solana believed his offer was for Isana's sake Sten carries Cailan's body to camp where they build a pyre for the king then burn his body with all who live at the camp standing around it Leliana prayed for the kings soul as a Chantry sister would.... before heading to Orzammar they end up stopping at a village known as Honnleath where they gain a new companion a Stone Golem named Shale and while Solana and her crew deal with a "naughty kitty" Isana stays outside dealing with the "leftover" darkspawn that took the small town/village over then when she was finished she stood staring at the Stone Golem in the center of the village until Solana and her crew return.... "dulen harn"  Isana hears Solana say from beside her then she sees the golem slowly wake then hears him/her say with a sigh "I knew that the day would come when someone would find the control rod probably stumbled across the rod by accident, I suppose typical"  Isana lets out a short soft chuckle then replies "trust me nothing about this group is typical!"  the golem looks at her Solana and Alistair chuckle "I stood here in this spot and watched the wretched little villagers scurry around me for, oh, I have no idea how long many, many years"  the golem says "oh you poor dear! that would be.... really, really, boring"  Leliana says "and the villagers have no idea they were being watched? creepy"  Alistair adds "then one wonders that you wouldn't be grateful to the one who allowed you to stretch your legs, golem"  Morrigan asks "perhaps it's the fact that he or she was woken by a control rod which means he or she was at one point commanded like a slave so he or she believes he or she was awoken to do the awakener's bidding and no one likes being controlled!"  Isana says Morrigan looks at her with a scowl on her face "perhaps they should take you back to your master mage!"  Isana says sarcastically as she locks eyes with the witch Morrigan growls clenching her fists in anger while allowing her magic to flare around them in affect "am I supposed to be terrified or something witch!?!"  Isana asks sarcastically "then you should work on being scarier!"  she adds after a small pause as though she was waiting for a answer which was never given Alistair chuckles "I was just beginning to get used to the quiet, too tell me, are all the villagers dead?"  the golem asks "not all of them, no"  Solana replies "some got away then? how unfortunate"  the golem says "you didn't care for them I take it"  Solana replies "familiarity breeds contempt, as they say and after 30 years as a captive audience, I was as familiar with these villagers as one could possibly be not that I wished their fate on them, no, but it did make for a delightful change of pace"  the golem says "I'll bet"  Solana replies Isana smirks "well go on, then what is it's command?"   the golem asks "well for starters not to be called "it" I'm a female, I'm a dwarf and my name is Isana! I am not your old master nor am I your new one not only because I don't hold the rod but because I have no desire to be the master of anyone so don't treat me like I am or I will turn you back to the statue you once were!"   Isana replies with a slightly harsh annoyed tone the golem looks at her and she was sure if he/she had eyebrows one would be raised by now "dance!"  Isana orders the golem seemed surprised that he/she didn't feel the urge to follow the female's orders....

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