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Leona's Pov

Luis was upset throughout the entire night. He felt hurt and betrayed and i didn't blame him. I was curious to know our situation, but I didn't wanna push it. I knew that what happened shattered his heart. And i will never forgive Mindy for what she had done.

Luis and I were laying on my bed. He was like down on his stomach with his arms under a pillow and i was sitting down lightly scratching his back.

"Luis are you ok" I asked

"I don't even know to be honest" He mumbled

I knew i had to do something, i've never been that good at advice so all i knew what to do was comfort him.

"Wanna talk about it?" i asked

"Just......i did. so much for her

"I know my love, but believe me it's gonna be better without her"

"I know it's just...making me feel kinda worthless" He sighed

"Well you know she's a slut. But babe believe me you deserve so much better" I said while stroking his back

"You mean you?" He said

I paused as i heard those words. Could we be something more than this?

I decided to play it off and act dumb "What do you mean?

"Well you said i deserve better, and well i think ur as better as it gets" He said

I just looked at him with shock but adoring the shit out of him

"Leona be honest with me.... Could we ever be something?" He slightly said

"Luis-" I began

"Now before you say anything i know what ur gonna say and i agree with you. And i will wait as long as you need me to for you. As long as i end with you" He said

The words he said brought tears to my eyes. We aren't even dating and the amount of love i feel for him is through the roofs. I've never loved someone as much as i love my Luis right now.

More than my ex logan

More than my mom

More than my dad

More than maverick and goose from top gun

He's mine

My Luis


Luis's Pov

Fucking life sucks.

Thank god for Leona

I just can't even process what's going on. You ever get that overwhelmed feeling when you have a bunch of stuff you need to do at once? It sorta feels like that right now. You know i have to process the fact the Mindy sucks. Mindy cheated on me with fucking Rick Retard Riley. Riley said shit abt Leona  and fucking mindy is pregnant. Like what the hell?

Leona is here giving me as fuck comfort as she can. As much i love it i wish i could be stronger for her. I hate that she has seen my vulnerable moments. She might think i'm complete pussy.

She was up cuddling against my chest while she drew little doodles with here nail on my chest. Soon she stopped and i noticed she fell asleep

Just feeling this beauty  in my arms makes everything seem worth it. Ever since she came into my life everything changed.

Soon i fell asleep with here


Leona's Pov

I woke up with Luis not there. I glazed his room trying to figure out where he could be and what time it is. It looked light out still so i assumed that it was near the evening

I got out of bed and walked out the room. He was no where to be found. So i decided to text him

Leona: Luis are you okay?

Luis: Yeah doll, i'm out on the balcony i just didn't wanna wake you up. You looked to pretty to bother

Leona: Want me to bring out like a snack or something

Luis: No my love i just want you

I walked up to his living room and went out on the balcony. He was sitting on a lounge chair just looking out in the distance.

"Luis?" I quietly said

He turned and said "Hey beautiful"

I gave him a soft smile and went over to sit next to him. When i was going to sit in the other chair he grabbed my waist and guided me to sit on his lap. My head was laying on his shoulder as we just took in the beautiful sight we were staring at.

"Leona could i talk to you about something?" He quietly asked

"Of course you can" I said as i turned around i was facing hin

"So you probably heard what i said when we were arguing with mindy"

I knew what this was about. I've been meaning to ask him about it but i knew he would choose when to talk abt it. I saw his eyes water so i stared to gently caress his face.

"It was the night that i went to the party with Mindy. All her friends were such assholes to me. Soon after everyone had a few drinks everyone was pretty drunk. But don't worry i was careful and i didn't get drunk. For a while i was kinda just sitting on the couch all alone. When i looked over once i saw Mindy grinding against another guy" He began

His voice started to choke out and i told him "Luis it's okay you don't have to talk about it"

"But i want to, you're the only person i trust Leaona" He said

I kissed him and told him it's all gonna be okay.

"So once i saw Mindy doing that i decided to leave because there really was no point of staying. As i was leaving this girl pushed me into the other room. It was dark so i didn't know what was going on. I let my guard down Leona. I was a little bitch and let her nearly do this something i didn't want. I was so vulnerable and i hate myself for it. Once i decided to man up i pushed her off of me and tan home. So much was going through my fucking head. That's when i came to you crying my eyes out."

I was speechless

No i was devastated

My everything had to fucking go through that

"Leona i'm sorry i shouldn't of told you...." he trailed off

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes "Luis i'm so sorry"

He gave me a soft smile to assure me that he was okay

"But Luis you know that it doesn't define you. You went through something horrible and it doesn't make you a little bitch. You're still so strong, and nothing but perfect in my eyes"

We were both sobbing at that point

"Leona....." Luis began "I love you"

I began crying even harder.

"Luis i love you too. Like words cannot explain how much i love you"

He pulled me into a long, deep, passionate kiss. Our faces were both wet with warm tears but all i could think about was this beautiful moment.

All i have ever wanted is right here. And he's beyond perfect

I love Luis so fucking much



writers block is real🤞🏽

and laziness is real💪🏽


i think.


-Juliana 💦💦

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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