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   You'd think that someone with a crappy attitude like mine would be left alone. But I'm afraid my case isn't so. According to girls I'm " extremely attractive". Some even call me " hot" or whatever that means. And because of this, school was utter hell.

" oh my God! Look! It's Kakeshi-senpai!"

" Kakeshi-san! Look over here!"

" have you seen all those scars on his body? They make him look so attractive!"

" Kakeshi-kun! Look at me! Do I look pretty today?"

" I heard that kakeshi-san doesn't let anybody get close to him. And if you touch him, he'll put you in the hospital!"

" is that why Akio-chan was sent to the E.R.?"

" I heard that she confessed and tried to kiss his cheek and he punched her in the stomach so hard she started coughing up blood"

" maybe he went through some trauma. Look at those scars!"

" maybe I'll be the one to get close to Kakeshi-senpai!"

" Kakeshi-senpai! Kakeshi-Kun! Kakeshi-San!" I was seriously about to stop. Oh, how I hate the sound of my last name.

" Torii-chaaaan!"

" who called him by his first name? and to use a informal suffix like that! How disgraceful!" The girls chatter grew louder. I felt a body collide with mine. I was about to murder someone when I saw the person's hands. I knew those hands. The chatter quieted down and the girls moved several feet away from me, their eyes wide with terror. Nobody touches me. No. Bo. Dy. But one girl refused to follow this rule.

" stupid girl. Get off" I said. I didn't hit her, which made the girls shocked and still quiet. I did hear a lot of gasps, though.

" never, Tori-chan!" She said and kissed my cheek. Now I really heard gasps. The girls' faces started to turn red with envy. I shoved her head away but didn't harm her.

" don't kiss me Sahashi" I spew the words in a venomous tone.. I didnt use suffixes, but I did give her the respect of using her last name. Her smile widened.

" call me Airi!" She said and happily hugged me again. Anger was boiling under my skin like a fire, but I bit my tongue until i tasted metal in my mouth. Meanwhile, the fangirls chatted away.

" is that his girlfriend?"

" I'm so jealous!"

" why isn't he hitting her?"

" if he hit her she would be dead right now! He's strong!"

" I still have a chance with him, don't I!?"

" I do too!"

"Let's try showering him with compliments!" I ran away with them with Airi clinging to my waist all the way.

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