Chapter 2

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It was 8pm, time to leave. I asked for a Taxi that gets me to Earls Pub. Funny my Boss and the Pub have had the same Name but he told me that he has nothing to do with it. 
As I arrived, there was a huge queue to get into the Pub, I was wondering about it because you know it's just a regular Pub, why would anyone wait to get inside?
I was looking for Roger but he wasn't there. A guy came straight to me. He had a wild look but was looking good.
„Hey you must be Allie?" He asked me, and reached for my hand
„Hey yes, and you are?" I asked confused.
„I'm a friend of Rogers, my name is Tim, he asked me to wait outside for you so I can catch an eye for you. Roger told me you are looking stunning but I really have to say you are fucking beautiful!" He said with a huge smile on his Face.
„Okay and why do you have to Babysitt on me? I mean I had an appointment with him and not with you, soooo?" I was looking for answers. I mean how strange to ask your friend if he could have an eye on his „Date"? I mean was it even a Date? I don"t know.
„Calm down Allie, I'm going to show you where you can find your unconditional love." He opened the door for me and had a smirk on his face. I rolled with my eyes and went through the door, besides the guys who were still standing in the queue. The Pub was full, I mean very full. We made our way to the Bar and I kept careful that no one punched his beer all over mine. As we finally arrived at the Bar he ordered a beer and a glass of red wine. So our next move was heading to a table with a shield on it „VIP". I was wondering about it, I mean VIP in this Pub? Must have been a very high royalty.
As we arrived at the empty table I could finally ask what was going on.
„It's a surprise cutie" he said with a winke
„Okay but is Roger coming tonight?" I asked, confused.
He pointed with his finger to a small stage. I just wanted to ask what he means. But then the light was turning darker than before and a loud voice was asking „Hello Darlings, cheers to all of you, who comes tonight?" He said with a laugh.
„So are you ready for some Rock n Roll?" The crowd cheered loudly and I understood the whole situation. There was he, Roger was the fucking drummer of that band. My eyes started to glance to the stage and I was so excited to see them performing. The lead singer had such a great Voice, it was so soft when he spoke but then he started to sing and it was raspy and soft at the same time. I was impressed by them. Even Roger could sing, just a few words for backing vocals but it doesn't matter he has had a great voice as well.
„Thanks to you my dears, see you next time. We're going to have some drinks right now. Good night" the lead singer said through his microfone.
„It was so amazing. Did you hear how good this guy can sing?" I asked excitedly. „Yes, yes, I mean they are not bad at all. But they are perfectionists and I think that will kill the Band" he said drunk while staring at the bottom of his glass. I just decided not to answer it.
After that, a group came right through us. I think all of the boys were the girls' favorites. The first person I recognized was Roger of course. But he seemed very busy with all the girls. So the first one I met was John. He went straight to Tim and gave him a handshake. Then Tim made me familiar with him.
„Hey I'm John but you can call me Deaky as well. So who's with you tonight?" he said and gave me a small hug.
„Hey John, it's so nice to meet all of you. Your bass sounds amazing! Besides my name is Allie" I said friendly.
„I'm supposed to be with Roger tonight, but don't know if he still knows that" I said with a smirk.
„Haha yea i think he is remembering it but he's always very busy with you know...don't take it personal. He's just infamous." I laughed about John's commentary.
„Understand" I told him seriously.
„Because of Rogers' busy behavior, I make you familiar with everyone. So this long leg poodle there, this is Brian he plays E-Guitar. The slender boy in the left is Freddie, our lead singer, the girl next to him his girlfriend Mary. And the casanova blondie, i think you are already familiar." He told me nicely.
Brian and the others made their way to us.
„Hey Brian I'm Allie and here with Roger tonight" I waved over to him
„Oh hey Allie i heard about that. Roger is talking about you for a week" he laughed. „Interesting," I noticed.
Freddie was with a girl and seemed very unimpressed to meet me. And then finally Roger came over. He gave me a huge hug and turned his face to my neck. Then he placed a little kiss on my cheek. „Allie belly i'm loving that you're here tonight. Did you watch me how well I can play my bloody drums" he said with a smirk.
„I watched you very well Rog, so it seems you're very famous in this Pub, besides Allie Belly? Sounds ridiculous" I said with a winke.
„Oh boy Roger, don't bring a beautiful woman like her with you and then let her stay like that." Brian laughed
„I..I don't know what to say i mean i did nothing wrong just had a little chat with that girl" he said nervously.
I laughed "okay boys everything is alright no problem at all. I mean at least you're here" I said with a wink but inside I was feeling weird about that situation. Nevertheless the evening was beautiful. We all sat on the table where Tim and I sat alone before. Roger sat next to mine, I mean very close to mine.
"So Allie tell us about yourself, where did you meet our infamous Roger?" Brian asked curiously.
"Actually Roger came to the store, where I'm working at, and he.. I mean what should I say he puked all over the floor. Since then he came every single day and asked me for a date. So tonight was the night" I said happily. Roger had a mischievous smile on his face and looked right into my eyes. I mean he has really beautiful eyes but it seems like he's a real Casanova.
„How the fuck are you doing that Rog? I mean you're fucking puking infringement of her and still got on a date with her" Brain asked surprised and drank in one shot all of his beer.
"I'm just a person, everybody wants to be with," Roger said charmingly. Everyone laughed.
Roger pulled me tight to his lap. He whispered in my ear
"My Allie belly you're looking so fucking gorgeous tonight. I told you, you would love to go out with me, don't you?" He said, already with a tipsy tone.
"I'm honored to be here with you tonight" I told him just as tipsy as he was.
Suddenly Freddie appeared with Mary.
"Hey I'm Allie and here with Roger tonight" I said friendly
"You're one of Roger's girls? So I don't have to know your name, he's going to leave you either. Come on Meddows, time to grow up" he said in his voice with a tone of arrogance.
"Yeah nice to meet you too" I said sarcastically and raised my glass to them.
We all had a great chat together. Seems like John is the quiet and thoughtful one. Brian was the clever one but he also was the nice one, one of the nice guys you know. Freddie I don't know what he was, he was kind of mysterious and I hadn't really spoken a word to him. Yes and Roger... he's obviously the charming one, the one who shagged a lot of girls after his shows and he's the kind of man who's really enjoying his achievements.
Brain left the club at first with an unknown girl. I didn't think that I mean Brian as I said was the nice guy but I totally begged him.
"I'm leaving now guys it's 3:30 am and Ronnie is probably going mad about me, Allie it was so nice to meet you. Hopefully we'll see each other again. So Rog, don't fuck it up with her" John told us with a ironically laughter.
"Bye John it was nice to meet you too, see you soon maybe" I said with a smile.
There we are. Freddie, Mary, Roger and I. Kind of a strange situation.
"So you want it to leave as well? I have a beautiful place to stay for the night" Roger said, at this state, very drunk. I decided to go home with him. My flat was way too far away for a late night walk.
"Yeah sure I'm coming with you. But don't get the wrong idea about what's happening in your flat, Meddows" I said with a smirk
He looked at me, "Meddows?" He asked. "Yea Meddows you have a lovely name for mine and so do I" I laughed
"Seems to be fair enough Allie belly" he winked.
Roger placed his hand on my lower back. He went to Freddie told him something, I waved at him, and then we left.
On our way home we made a quick stop at a late night store. Roger got some cigarettes and I got some water. Because without water there would be a bad headache next morning. We smoked one of his cigarettes. And made our way home to Rogers. The whole way over to his flat, his hands never left my back. He was so cute but I already had a feeling about him, I mean those kind of Roger one night stand men. Nevertheless I enjoyed what was happening. 

Roger Taylor, Fate, love and friendshipTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang