the chapter name is at the top of the story

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Yeah, bitch, a mass murderer isn't dead, and I didn't tell you 'cause of my angsty past

(watpad said that the title name was too long, so i put it above this text)

"It's about—Chroma," Purpled choked out. Wilbur looked at him worryingly.

"Are you sure you don't want to see Bad, Purpled?" the Chief Communications Officer asked carefully.

Purpled shook his head stubbornly. "I've seen him enough," he muttered. "I have to—keep moving forward." His eyes flashed to Tommy before going back to his hands. "It's just practice, Wil. Just practice."

"Sounds more like a pain to me," Wilbur said.

"You have no idea," Purpled muttered, scrubbing at his eyes with the corner of his uniformed sleeve. "Anyway—um. Chroma—he's—" Purpled choked on his own words, and Tommy nudged him with his elbow.

"He's alive," Tommy spat, forcing the words out of his throat. Wilbur's brown eyes widened, and Tommy amended his statement. "Um...I think."

"No, no," Wilbur said, more in denial than disbelief. "No, he's dead."

"They're only dead if you see the body," Tommy said. "He's not dead. I've seen him."

"You what?"

"In—passing," Tommy lied. "It's not important."

"He's a murderer. I think it is."

"Look, Mr. I'm So Smart, I was in a prison full of war criminals and poor attempts at spies," Tommy said. "I saw a shit ton of people in my time."

"And one of them was Chroma?" Wilbur asked dubiously.

"Yes," Tommy said. "Well, I think."

"I think that's good enough for me," Purpled said. "Just—contact Command and tell them to restart their search?"

"At what? The world of a child?"

"At the word of the survivor of the H.M.S. Fran," he corrected. "I'm not some nobody."

Wilbur sighed. "Look, kid, I believe you. Phil believes you. But Command won't. Not without evidence of who you are."

"I have evidence," he said.

Purpled turned to him questioningly. "You do?"

"Yeah," he said. "Clementine?"

"She's not going to answer you," Wilbur snorted. "She was programmed to listen to the crew, and you are not—"

» Yes, Tommy? «

Tommy immensely enjoyed the dumbstruck look that befell Wilbur's face. "Hey, Clementine, who am I?"

» You were born on Stardate 81883.28 on the H.M.S. Fran on a Terran Saturday, Tommy. As a child, you ran around the ship, causing mass mayhem. Do not be discouraged, though, for the crew loved you and the other children. I was saddened to hear of your death, though when the Chief Operations Officer contacted the ship and I recognized your voice, I was as gladdened as I could be as artificial intelligence. «

"Thanks," he muttered.

"Clementine remembers you," Wilbur noted.

» That I do, Lieutenant Soot. Captain Philza dismissed wiping my databanks of the H.M.S. Fran, for he wanted to hear what happened to them. I remember Tommy quite well. The Avians were an enjoyable group of people. Unfortunately, you are one of the last of them. «

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