26. Dragons

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8390 Words

Kendria's POV

    After Zake and Tiggger left Mary started changing me. As I was lying there I was thinking. I was thinking that I needed to tell them about what happened to me. About some of the things I have gone through. And some of the things I knew about Dragons and Tiggger in particular. Where he came from and how he was stolen from his real mother and why.

    They would need to know. And they would need to know fast. If what I saw in my dream was real. Then there would be Dragons here soon. And these people had no clue how to deal with one Dragon much less the multiple Dragons that would be coming. And possibly the King himself. Not to mention a mother Dragon wanting her baby back. They all would be killed if I didn't help them. And I didn't want to see these Vampires or humans hurt. Not after what they did for me.

    "When we are done here, we need to talk about Dragons. It might be a matter of your life or death. And after what you all just went through to help me. I don't want you being hurt because I was to stubborn or scared not to talk to you." She paused what she was doing, but just for a second. I kept looking at the ceiling wondering were I should begin.

    I let her finish what she was doing. Not only my butt but my clothes too. I helped were I could, but that wasn't much. Soon enough she was done with me and she picked me up. Other then words about getting me dressed we didn't talk. She did ask me what I wanted to wear, but frankly I didn't care. I looked like a baby right now so what ever she chose was fine with me. I ended up in a tea-shirt that snapped together to cover my diaper and it would work. It would make it easier for them when, and not if, I needed a change.

    I was sat down on the couch as the others started to arrive. I was put right next to Tiggger and he looked at me. I was more focused on what I was going to say to them then on him. But when he crawled over my legs and waved his tail right in my face I knew he wanted me to pet him. "He's just like a kitten or a baby Drake. If you're not paying attention to him enough, he will get right in your face until you do." They laughed a little while I grabbed his tail and started petting his back.

    He almost immediately started to purr like a cat. I asked them if this was normal for him and they all nodded. I knew something was wrong with him right then. "Well, now that you all are here. I guess I should start with a little about Dragons and what a problem they are about to cause you."

    I started with some of the information that I had about the basics. Dragons are really big, for the most part. But some like the Kings Little girl was small enough to wrap around my arm when in Dragon form. "Well not my arm right now. But your arm." I told them that we also had Littles but no real Little academy like this one. Then I heard Tiggger's tummy rumble a little. "I think he's hungry." I said and Mary went and grabbed him a bottle. I was starting to tell them about a scuffle we had with some werewolves and Tiggger rolled over so he could drink his bottle. He moved down a little so his head was more on my legs and his butt was touching the couch. I started rubbing his tummy.

    "Well during that problem some of the wolfs got really annoying. One of our soldiers got really upset." I felt a bump in Tiggger's belly and I was trying to move it. Then he handed me his bottle wanting me to take a drink. I saw that he was halfway done with it so I brought it to my lips. But Mary caught my eye and tapped her chest. She was trying to tell me it was breast milk. I gave her a little shrug and took a good sized drink from it. Then I gave it back to tiggger. "That was really good Tiggger. Thank you very much for sharing your food with me."

    He smiled and popped it back in his mouth. "It would be rude of me not to eat or drink something a Dragon gave me. They are very dominant and protective. He probably thought I needed something to drink. And I did. Don't worry tho, I've had odder things. And I'm sure that wasn't the first time I have had some of your milk. So thank for that." She nodded and I continued my story.

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