Prologue: The Reluctant King

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The Reluctant King


Leopold's Point of View


The horse galloped, racing across the ground as its hooves clattered against the cobblestones, hardly seeming to notice the weight of its rider. Prince Leopold of Marenta was returning home at last and he couldn't help but let a smile grace his face as he passed a group of his subjects, waving as he passed the children.

He was glad to be home. While he had greatly enjoyed himself at the coronation of the new king and queen of Ecrivenia, he had missed the feeling of being home. The coronation had been a wonderful occasion, and Leopold had been happy to be there to support his best friend, Frederick, the new king of Ecrivenia, but towards the end of his stay he had yearned for the forests and lakes of Marenta, his own country.

Leopold slowed his horse as he reached the gates to the keep, nodding to the guards as they opened the large wooden doors to let him through. As he rode into the main courtyard of the royal family's castle that was situated in the middle of one of Marenta's largest lakes, he noticed a short figure dressed in purple standing on the steps.

Leopold stopped his horse, dismounting fluidly and sending a grateful smile to the stable-hand that took the reins of his horse from him. Adjusting his windswept hair and his rumpled doublet that he hadn't bothered to change out of before riding home, he walked forward, his long legs slightly asleep from riding for eleven hours straight.

Moving up the steps, Leopold squinted in the late afternoon sun until he could see the purple-dressed figure clearly. He fought hard to contain a groan, instead pursing his lips, and giving a decidedly forced smile. It was one of the councilmen, Lord Candery. Candery was one of the social climbers who his father had let on the council to gain the support of wealthy citizens, but the majority of the reforms Candery suggested would only benefit the upper class.

"Lord Candery, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Leopold asked, using his height to his advantage. Maybe if he intimidated Candery he would leave him alone.

"Your highness, I trust your travels were well?" Candery said in his nasally voice that made him sound like he had a cold. Leopold merely nodded in answer. "Good, good, I have some news for you from your parents. They have asked me to inform you that they are on a hunting party with a handful of other noblemen."

Leopold's brow furrowed minutely. Why on earth would his parents leave Candery to deliver him the message? Thankfully he didn't have to ask, as Candery answered his unspoken question.

"I had to decline their invitation to clear up some paperwork, so they thought it would be best if I informed you of there whereabouts should you return before them." Leopold doubted Candery had any paperwork to speak of, unless he had an abrupt personality change within the last two weeks. Candery was the sort to force one of the men in his employ to sort paperwork for him, but Leopold didn't voice this.

"I thank you for your help," Leopold said, inclining his head and then continuing to climb the rest of the steps to the front door of the castle.

"Wait! Your highness! Where are you going?" Candery said, following Leopold, almost having to jog to keep up with him. Leopold tried not to let his annoyance show. Must he always follow behind like a puppy? Or more accurately, a leech that one could not get rid of?

"To my quarters in order to change out of my traveling clothes," Leopold answered, daring Candery to say anything to stop him.

"Oh, well, good day to you, your highness," Candery said, his words broken up by his pants. It was amazing how quickly the noblemen of the court could come undone with just a bit of exercise. Leopold wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason why the council's meeting room was on the ground floor.

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