Chapter T W O

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So here is the second chapter, I hope you guys enjoy it. Again I'm sorry if it's not too great, but I want this story to be quite long and hopefully realistic and for that to happen it takes time. Thank you to anyone who reads this and please don't forget to comment and vote, every single one means the world to me because it means I know you guys like this.

By the way this will be the last chapter in 3rd person, after this it will be characters POV's I'll let you know whose when it is.

"Thanks so much for helping me out Harry, it means so much to me!" Taylor swooned leaning over to the curly haired boy and stroking his leg.

"Erm it's fine, look I think I should get going Zayn'll be wondering where I've got to." Harry replied nervously.

"Oh don't be stupid! Zayn won't mind besides I barely get to spend anytime with you on my own I miss my boyfriend." Taylor replied faux innocently.

Harry's eyes nearly popped out of his head, BOYFRIEND! What the hell he didn't like Taylor like that at all, he barely liked her as a person in general. "Oh will you look at the time?" Harry examined the invisible watch on his wrist. "I've really gotta go!" He scrabbled for his belongings and rushed out of the door without another word. He didn't stop running until he reached his dorm on the next floor up.

"Jesus! What the bloody hell happened to you?!" Zayn raised his voice slightly looking and the slumped figure leaning on the dorm room's door.

"Tay...lor...  thinks... we're... DATING!" Harry yelled between gasps for breath.

"Wow! That's so cool mate, just think, both our girlfriends share a dorm as well, we can trade rooms and yanno..." Zayn replied raising his eyebrows suggestively, totally ignorant to Harry's horror.

"NO Zayn! I don't think you realise, I don't wanna date Taylor, she's annoying, she's not my type and I don't even fancy her!"

"Well you can hardly break up with her after you've just got together." Zayn replied finally catching up with the situation.

"Well what do you suggest I do?" The curly haired boy cried out in desperation.

"First things first, chill out Har, you're gonna burst a blood vessel." Zayn responded and waited a moment whilst Harry calmed himself down slightly. "Ok erm, I think you should just leave it for a couple of weeks and see how things go, you might even end up liking her mate. And if not, well you can break up with her and it won't look too suspicious."

"You think that could work?" Harry questioned

"Yeah, you don't even have to be too lovey dovey with her. If it gets too much, just tell her you want to wait for the right time, chicks dig that kind of thing." Zayn told him nonchalantly as he walked to the mini fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Yeah I guess I could do that. I'm gonna go to the gym for an hour, clear my head." Harry grabbed a bottle of water and a change of gym clothes, before heading across the courtyard to the gym."


"So you're telling me, you want to come with me to the gym?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I might enjoy it?" His reply came out as more of a question than a statement.

"Sure, Nialler!" The Doncaster boy replied sarcastically. "Anyways I don't normally go to the gym on Thursdays, but I guess I can make an exception." Louis voice was laced in doubt.

"You don't even believe that I'm serious do you?" Niall asked.

"Well come on Ni, you've never once stepped foot in the gym of this school since the day you started here!"

Niall sighed, "I know but maybe if I go and see what it's like there I'll want to go more."

Louis shook his head in defeat, "Fine, but if you go you take this serious or you leave we're not going there for a laugh." 

Niall crossed his fingers across his chest, "I won't, promise."

"Alright hurry up and get changed we'll set off in 10."

Niall grinned before racing off to get changed and to get a couple of snacks ready for afterwards.

Again,I'm really sorry that this is incredibly short but in the next one when I can start the POV's it will be longer and I'm already in the process of writing it so fear not my lovelies!

Sophie xo

Dirty Little Secret AU | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now