Chapter 78

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Lisa had just turned her phone on when she got a call from an unfamiliar Chinese phone number.

“Miss Xu, you finally picked up!” a young girl’s voice said through the receiver.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Zhou Xiaozhen. I’m the assistant that President Li arranged for you.”

Lisa slightly raised a brow upon hearing that. “And, why were you calling?”

“President Li said that as your assistant, I must be the first to know your whereabouts. So, I had to call to find out. Miss Xu, did you really leave the country with Jennie?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“President Li said that he wanted you to come back…” The girl’s voice was very weak, without any confidence.

“Then, make him personally tell me that.”

Lisa hung up, and faced with Jennie’s curious stare, she simply said, “Li Yu arranged an assistant for me.”

Jennie nodded. “In the afternoon, I’ll take you to see my company’s chief designer. For now, we can go find somewhere to eat.”

In the car, Lisa received a call from Li Yu. She accepted it, and Li Yu’s voice was soon heard.

“I already told you not to run around for the next two days. Did you treat my words as a passing breeze?”

“Why am I obligated to listen to you?” Lisa wasn’t somebody that liked to be ordered around, so while they were revising the contract, she’d edited a lot of the clauses restricting her movements. Due to this, Li Yu couldn’t use the contract to order her to do anything.

Li Yu was speechless.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll see you later.” Lisa was about to hang up.

Li Yu was helpless and hurried to ask, “When will you be back?”

“Probably once school starts.”

“So long?”

“Got a complaint?” Lisa asked back.

“Come on, are you aware of your own status as a supermodel? Student Xu Lisa, fix your attitude. Don’t tell me that you signed with Entertainment International just for fun? Don’t you want to be famous? Don’t you want to earn money? Don’t you want to build your career?”

Lisa’s lips twitched as she listened to Li Yu’s angry yet helpless questioning before replying casually, “So?”

“I planned out everything so that you could ride on Eunwoo’s fame to clear the rumours and gain popularity. Yet, right after the scandal, you’re mixing with Jennie again. Do you think the number of haters you have isn’t enough? Don’t tell me that you’re just friends. How can friends be so sticky with each other? I don’t believe it!”

This was probably the first time that Li Yu had met such an obstinate person, his teaching and complaints turning into ridicule.

“Believe whatever you want.” Lisa calmly blocked Li Yu with four simple words.

“You think I can’t bury your career?!” Li Yu was so angry, he accidentally spilled some of his true intentions. In any case, his boss had only told him to recruit her, not make her popular.

“I believe you can.” Li Yu had just relaxed when Lisa continued, “So?”

Li Yu was speechless.

“Nothing more to say? Then, bye!” Lisa hung up.

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