Taylor And Her Little Friend

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In the morning, there was a lot of clattering about that I could hear from my sleep which caused me to stir and finally wake up. I walked into mum and Adams room, still half asleep to see if it was Adam causing the noise. However as I walked in I saw Adam in his shorts, doing weights, topless. I blushed bright red and apologized to him, making him chuckle.

Then I went downstairs and stumbled into the lounge to find all the boys sat there with Taylor Swift sitting with them, Olivia (her cat) in her arms, alongside another girl. The boys looked up and smiled, introducing me to Taylor as if I'd never heard of her before.
"Hiya! Oh and this is Cindy " She said in a cheerful voice. Then the other girl looked me up and down criticisingly.
"Oh, hey !" I replied, then realizing I was still in Zayns shirt and my short shorts.

"Erm, excuse me for a minute" I said quickly before running back upstairs and into my room. I couldn't believe I'd gone downstairs looking like that in front of Taylor Swift. Now I felt that I had to dress to impress, especially after the horrible sight they will have seen. So, I moisturized my face and carefully applied eyeliner and mascara with hot pink lipstick. Then I put on a pink and red floral chiffon top with pale blue skinny jeans. After straightening my hair I went back downstairs and into the lounge. I perched myself awkwardly on the sofa at the side of Harry as he looked up and grinned at me.

"I'm so sorry about that" I said, chuckling nervously.
She giggled. "Oh! No its ok, you looked fine, honestly!" She said honestly.
"Aw thank you" I said, touched at her compliment.
"Anyway, Zuri, in case you're wandering, we bumped into Taylor, Cindy and Olivia - of course just before we got back so we invited her over, hope you don't mind" Explained Zayn, gesturing at her.

"No, course I don't mind, silly! Anyway, who's hungry?" I asked, as I was going to make pancakes for myself anyway.
"I know I am" Said Harry. "Zuri makes the best pancakes you know" he said looking up and winking at me.
I blushed and got up to make them all breakfast, my mind pondering over how Harry had said that, in front of Zayn.

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As I'd just finished up the pancakes I bobbed my head back round the door and asked for what toppings they wanted. Harry, Niall and I opted for strawberries and cream, whereas Louis, Zayn, Cindy and Taylor chose nutella and strawberries.

"Oh wow, thank you sweetie" said Taylor as she struggled to keep Olivia from jumping into her plate.
I laughed at how the cute little cat tried licking off the nutella.
"You know, I've got a cat too, I can take Olivia up to my bedroom if you like?" I said, happy to let the two bond.

"Aw yes that'd be great, what's your little kitty called then?" She asked joyfully.
"He's called Whiskers, he's a Siamese kitten so he'll be fine with Olivia, I'll just pop up there and make her at home" I said, carefully taking Olivia and walking upstairs to my room, gently stroking her soft head.

As I was about to open my room door, Adam came out of his room, his eyes set on Olivia and looked up at me questioningly.
"You haven't gone and, got another have you?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. I chuckled at his expression and reassured him.
"No da-, erm, Adam, I haven't got another cat, this is Olivia Benson, Taylor Swifts cat." I said, embarrassed at how I'd almost called him dad.

"Oh! Okay, that's fine with me then. Hey Olivia! Wait, Taylor Swifts cat? What's she doing here?" He said, giving Olivia a little wave.
I went into my room and found Whiskers on the armchair, then I went and put Olivia on my bed.
"Yes, Taylors cat, the boys said they bumped into her and her friend before coming back here, so they invited her along" I explained to him as he leaned in my doorway.

"Ahh, ok then, cool." He replied, plating with the strings on his joggers.
"You want to meet her, she's only just in the lounge" I said, somehow finding it amusing at how my mums boyfriend can look so young.
"Ermmm, nah I'm ok thanks" he said, looking up at me and grinning.
"Oh come on! Don't be a spoil sport!" I said running out of the door, dragging him behind me.

I must admit it was hard work dragging a stocky, 6ft man down a big flight of stairs, but it was worth it. " I'm back guys! Taylor, this is Adam. Adam, this is Taylor, and her friend Cindy" I said happily.

"Nice to meet you Taylor, and Cindy" Said Adam, putting out his hand.
"Hiya, nice to meet you too!" She said shaking his hand joyfully, as Cindy just stared and smiled.
Adam looked around the room at the boys. "Y'orite guys" he said nodding at the five of them,they all replied with yes's and hellos.
"Hey! You made pancakes without me?" He said, pretending to be offended.

"Yup, you know you shouldn't be eating unhealthily!" I said chuckling as he lightly punched my shoulder.
"I think they are some left though, go on, you can have mine" I said smiling at him as he walked out into the kitchen.

After he'd walked out Cindy, who had been sat on her phone before Adam had come in spoke.
"O. M. G. Your brother is so HOT!" She said, eyes wide, her hand in a fanning motion.
At this point, after how she'd looked at me so critically, I thought I'd let her go on for abit longer. The boys clearly understood what I was up to, and they played along.

I chuckled " Really?"
"Yes! Did you see those muscles, and that shirt looked perfect on him! Not to mention his hair, and his piercing eyes just topped it all off!" She babbled and when she finally finished, Adam walked back into the room. Everyone was quiet as he sat down beside me on the couch, then he looked around at us suspiciously as we stared at him, then Cindy.

"...What?" He finally asked. To which everyone looked straight at me, everyone apart from Cindy.
"Nothing, nothing.." I replied. He looked at me intensely, this was the stare he used to get things out of me.
"Don't do that!" I squeaked making them all laugh.

"Niall, cmon I know you'll tell me the truth" said Adam to Niall, as they had a good bond.
"Huhh, ok ok, basically Cindy thinks you're Zuris brother and she finds you fit as-" he said sighing, though a grin played on his lips.

Adam stopped halfway through chewing his bite of pancake, and looked at me. He cleared his throat and turned to Cindy, playing with his ear piercing.

"Sorry to break it to you love, but I'm not Zuris brother. I'm her mums boyfriend, and I'm flattered that you find me fit, but, you know" he said, and by the tone of voice he was using I could tell he was desperate not to laugh.

"Ohhhmyygoodd! Why didn't you guys say that then!" She said, her shock turning into complete frustration. Then she shoved her phone in her bag and stormed out, pushing past Louis and I.

"I'm so sorry about her!" Said Taylor, genuinely sorry.
"Oh don't worry, I don't mind, but do come over again" I said quickly as she stood up to catch up to her friend. "I'll get Olivia for you" I said running upstairs and picking up the sleeping Olivia.

"Thank you sweetie, bye, it was lovely to meet you!" Called Taylor as she began running after Cindy.

"Bye! You too!" I called back and then I slammed the door shut and walked back into the lounge.

One look at Adams face and all of us just burst into fits of laughter.

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