29. The moment of truth

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Tae's home...

As usual Jimin is at his work, so Tae brought Dani to his home. As Kook is always in practice for the match, Tae feels really bored , so he brought Dani for sleepover.

Tae is leaning on Dani's lap sadly venting out how he miss his hyung, Dani asked what happened that day when Kook came home after their first bike ride.

As Tae couldn't fully narrate the detail of of their steamy session because he himself went to trans state most of the time under Kook, so he explained bits and pieces.

" Go!!! Wear a towel and come out... I need to know every detail.. " Dani orders...

" Not happening.... "

" I want to know what Kook oppa saw that day... Obey me otherwise no advice.. " Dani sternly said..

"Okay... " Tae sighs...

Tae went inside bathroom , he changed in to his tube top and shorts and he wore his towel above that. He couldn't even come in front of his dear friend Dani only wearing that towel. He came out with shy red face.

" Wohhhhhh!!!! " Dani's eyes widen on seeing Tae...  " I can perfectly picture how Kook oppa would have drooled at this sight.... Oh.... Poor boy" Dani teased Tae..

" Stop teasing me Dani... Can I go change back...now?! "

" Hold on... Let me touch this sexy baby.."
Dani closed the gap and Tae started slapping Dani's hands..

" Is this how you reacted with Kook oppa?!"

" No... He locked my hands... " Tae started telling everything one by one..


Tae said everything happened and Dani could now gladly picture everything that could have happened that day. Dani herself got exhausted just by hearing those sensual details and she dropped on bed..

" Tad !!! That's wow!!! But.... Wait.... All these happened.. ?! How Kook hyung came that fast and how come, You didn't come at all??! "

" Where should I come?! " Tae asked with his innocent eyes and Dani gave Tae a weird look...

" Stop giving this innocent look... Are you kidding me... ? You've gone this far and with Kook oppa in the picture.... you are telling me you didn't cum at all... I ain't going to believe you.. "

" Dani!! Seriously... I let Kook hyung kiss me on my neck, here... here... and he suddenly released himself on me... and dropped on my side....Where should I come in this??! I don't understand... "

" Wait!!!! For real you didn't cum ??!! But oppa did??!! Omg how is that even possible Tae??!! don't prank me now..... we're having a serious conversation here don't hide anything from me.... " Dani sternly said with a questionable look

" Are you talking about wetting me?? Yeah he cum on my thighs and I panicked.... "

" Wait wait wait.... Tae bae....don't tell me what I'm thinking is true... "

" what....??!! what are you talking about? Only boy's release themselves right? "

" Tae bae!!! Girl's have more climax simulation than boy's who told you only boy's cum?? Have you not read any erotic books...??!  Some one like Kook oppa.... Not a chance...

He wouldn't have cum this fast, just for kissing you.... Tae answer my question truly without any hesitation please.. " Dani shook Tae, who was still in shock knowing about the cum fact noded his head slowly..

" Ask.... " Tae said with his mind somewhere...

" Did your body enthusiastically responded to Kook oppa's sensual touch?" Dani asked

Tae nods his head remembering how his body not only responded but was also burning in his hyung's every touch, how he lost himself several times in those finger tips of his hyung.

" Were you not in really close proximity with Kook oppa?! Like both bodies touched each other without a gap??! " Dani asked and Tae thinks for a while before nodding his head, even thinking about those moments gave slight shivers to Tae's body.

Dani noticed Tae's sudden shivers and how Tae was rubbing his thighs together, she was thinking how she had read that having intimate moments for the first time could cause women to  experience premature orgasm

When they both were lost in their thoughts , suddenly Dani sat up straight and her eyes were wide like she found some key information in her investigation.

Dani looked at Tae and the sudden realization hit her that the way Tae was saying about their intimate moment and the way he had knowledge that only boy's cum and the way Tae said Kook came so fast , Dani understood the situation.

Dani realised it's only Yae who came that day not Kook, Cause the way Tae is still lost in this thoughts and shivering, and now everything make sense for Dani. Kool didn't cum at all that day, it's Tae's cum on his thighs.

Dani knows that it was first time for Tae to feel those touches and that too from the love of his life it's normal that Tae would get sensitive with slight touches, she wanted to confirm her doubt and she asked Tae

" Tae bae....what happened after yo... Like.... Kook oppa came on you... Like.... did you.... Mhhh..... Did you know how to clean yourself or took a shower after??!! "

" I wiped it off my thighs spotless.... Hyung helped me too.. And.... yes hyung told me to clean myself, he asked me to take bath... "

" Did...Kook oppa slept after he came on you??? Or felt really tired or very lethargic... "

" Lethargic??!! No.... Opposite... he was very hype and he rushed to me to help myself clean, he dressed me, he dried my hair, he also struggled to put a bun on my hair... Poor hyung!!!  " Tae giggles and proudly said how caring his hyung was that time... Dani smack's her forehead with her hand and looks at Tae and says

" You pabo !!! It was you who came that day not Kook oppa.... " Dani said and Tae looked at Dani with a horrified expression and shook his head...

" no no, what are you saying??!! I didn't do anything I know only boy's cum.... I only touched him once... Apart from that...  He did everything.... His cum was on me... " Tae sternly said...

Dani shook her head and took her phone out and went to Google and searched how both boys and girls cum and how girl's can be super sensitive in their first times and how boys release oxytocin which make them sleep Or extremely tired after reaching their orgasm.

"What happens then... He didn't cum.... ?! Is that why he is so frustrated and angry on me??! "

" Idiot!!! You have to know how much concerns he had for you that day..  He cared for you... Moreover he did told you the truth, so you don't get panicked again... He even helped you change, enduring  his  pain... "

" It can be very painful??!  " Tae asked..

" Yes!!! I don't know how much.... But, I've read, it's a painful thing,  He endured everything for you.. He took care of you suppressing his pain.... He was good to you... Just think!!! " Dani said..

" My hyung did everything for me...??!  I know he loves me... Still, I thought he is just a dirty minded boy who is attracted to me .... No....!!! It's not just attraction, He will  be there for me no matter what... Dani!!! I'm gonna confess my love to my hyung right away... " Tae said..

" Don't do it now... It will look like you confessed because you miss him and you want to talk to him... Make him understand how much you love him through your actions then confess... and Tae????..... If I were you... I would have...."

" If you were me???!!  You would have what???! "

" I don't want to say it Tae... Poor oppa... Even though he saw you like this , he left you pure, enduring everything... If I were you... I would have offered myself,my everything... But you have your stupid principles and all... So... Yeah!!! Do as your wish... "

" If my hyung ask me again... I will definitely say yes....  I'm even ready to carry his child... I love my hyung... " Tae says with so much of love to his hyung..

" Uffff!!! You and your pregnant talk!!! " Danni sighs....

" Hyungie!!! You will see different me from tomorrow... " Tae excitedly said to himself...

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