Part 105

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So I was going to update sooner but I kinda got my phone taken and couldn't go on my laptop to update and then I got really sick, which I'm still sick, and now my dang hamster gave me pinkeye in both my eyes!!!!  Like the hell!!! I can't even sleep because they get stuck closed bc of it!!!! 😡😡

Soooo on a good note! I passed all my finals 🥳🥳
But now I have to worry about second semester finals for the end of the year tho which is scary considering I have teachers that other students say are really hard to pass 😓

No lie I'm kinda nervous to go back to school tho, only because on the first day or two from winter break my boyfriend came over to spend the night with was fun considering he hasn't been able to come over and stay the night in a while, but the bad thing is that the next day after he spent the night we went to one of his old friends birthday parties and another of his friends houses, and then a lot of stuff ended up happening and I ended up having a anxiety attack because there was hella people at this party and lots of people give me anxiety, so my boyfriends friends let us sit in one of his rooms so I could calm down and at one point my sister walks in to check on me and then she leaves, but next thing I know my boyfriends friends run into the room and say that someone said we were doing "stuff" but we weren't!!! I was crying!! And so every so often one of his friends would walk in to make sure we weren't doing anything. And I thought everything would die down after the party, but I was still not having a good time tho because my boyfriend stayed the night at his friends house and then the next day went to another state to go celebrate Christmas with his mom😭, witch is cute and all but he's been there all of break other than like two dayssss, and won't be back until a few days before school starts back up. 😭
But my sister still saying to people that me and him did something at the party to some of her friends knowing good and well they all can't keep there mouths shut when it comes to lies 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I've been having to work while I'm sick, and it really sucks, not only because I have to constantly stand up which makes me dizzy every time but I also have to go out in the cold to do pan mining in water that's probably too cold to be playing in but apparently no one cares about that! But the worst parts are
one: my mom works with me now and can't stop telling my coworkers dumb stuff about me like there all besides
And two: people keep giving me dirty looks because I'm sick!! Like it's not covid so calm down 🤦‍♀️

But the other thing is I have to work on new year's!!! 😭 I didn't have anything planned tho only because my boyfriends in another state rn 😭😭 but I still didn't want to work that day!!


Honestly I think I'm going to start saving money like hell so, despite my mom's thoughts, I can move out and live on my own ish I'll probably still go over occasionally and my sister or boyfriend might stay over but if I start saving now I could possibly have enough by the end of April to start looking for cheep places near me, places out here aren't that expensive for some oddly good reasons, or there's this hotel/ apartment complex that's actually really good that I can live at for a while too but that's like a last resort thing tho 🫤
Or if I don't have enough money by then I'll probably just stay with my parents for the time being, or until I finish high school then start looking for places which probably might be better tho.


So little story about me being sick from when I was little,
So I've always hated eye drops, I just don't like things going in my eyes it scares me and I freak out every time, but one time I was slightly sick and also had pinkeye so my mom had to hold me down on a bed just to get some eye drops in my eye to help with the pain and I cried for hours and made it worse on accident, flash forward to today, I have successfully put eye drops in my own eyes after freaking out 100 times 😎 but I did successfully do it tho 😁

It's currently 5 I'm the morning and I can't sleep because my eyes get stuck closed because all the liquid in them or something I don't know but it sucks and I hate it, but I have to go to work at like 11 tomorrow so I think I should just risk it and try to sleep before my alarm goes off and just deal with my eyes later or I can stay up and not have to deal with it and be dog tired at work all day 🤔 tuff decision to make 

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