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Sav decided that she wanted to actually sit down and talk about this and not be distracted as we traveled. Since we had been making good time on the drive, I pulled into a McDonald's down the street from the gas station we had stopped at and we walked inside to talk. I was a little confused at the solemnity that Sav's countenance had taken on but her pace was determined as she stepped in, so I didn't say anything.

Besides, she hadn't clarified anything after "Jesus" and I was more than a little curious as to what in the world she was talking about. Of course, I knew who Jesus was, but what about him was making me a little fidgety.

I hoped she didn't think I was too disrespectful of her and her family when they prayed and did their traditional Bible reading together. If so, I knew begging for forgiveness might be in my near future.

After Sav ordered some fries and a Dr. Pepper and I ordered a large iced tea, we sat down at a back table away from other customers. We took opposite sides, Abigail next to me in her carrier, and I rested my hands on the lid of my cup as Sav stuck a french fry, whole, into her mouth.

She seemed to be thinking. Intently. And I couldn't help but notice an occasional snap from her one hand hidden underneath the table. She was nervous. Which was making me nervous.

After several minutes, my chest was ready to explode from nervous pressure. "Sav, if I did something to offend your family's faith while I was there, I'm really sor-"

"What?" she asked, shocked. "No, no, no. That's not what this is about. Well, kinda..." She must have seen the panic in my expression because she quickly clarified, "You didn't do anything, I promise. You were actually a lot more respectful than a lot of people would be. And I thank you for that."

"Oh." Now I was stumped. "You're welcome... But then what's this about?" I hoped my tone was careful and didn't tread on whatever was on her mind.

She gradually leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. With a sigh, she finally started. "I was just thinking. And maybe I was also a little convicted... But you're not"—she gestured with her hands before finding the word she needed— "religious, though I don't really like calling Christianity a religion but that's besides the point. We haven't really talked about it much, but from what I pick up is that you've never really had any sort of faith in something, right?"

Thinking about it, I nodded. "Yeah. My parents didn't really talk about that type of stuff so I guess Kaybree and I were left to our own devices about it. Honestly, I haven't really taken the time to think about it, especially recently since life's been so chaotic."

I hoped this was an okay answer and that I hadn't offended her in some way. But she seemed to take it in stride, not flinching or grimacing or anything. Which made me a little less uncomfortable.

"So... what do you think about Christianity?"

My heart rate sped up. I didn't want to say the wrong thing but she was looking at me so openly and kindly that I found myself wanting to tell her the truth. "I don't really mind it, I guess. I'm not upset that you believe what you believe and I think it's really great that you found something that has helped you so much."

"But what about for you, Kason?" she wondered, leaning forward slightly.

"What do you mean?"

She thought a second before she replied with, "I mean what do you think about Christianity in your life? I know you might not have been exposed to it much, but what do you personally think about it, me excluded?"

I licked my lips. What did I think about it? I found myself starting to answer before I really knew what I was saying. "I don't really know a whole lot, like you said, but I guess if someone helped me understand, I wouldn't get mad at them like some people would. I wouldn't guarantee that I'd be able to understand it all or believe it as easily as some people seem to, but I wouldn't be upset. Honestly, I'm open to whatever, I guess..."

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