Fixing my prior mistake (so dramatic)

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Just watched Chishiya's backstory in the Series

And in the manga, i cant recall it specifying what kind of doctor he is(i lied, he was studying to be a general surgeon yay)

But he's a pedeatric cardiovascular surgeon  which means he deals with kids that have heart conditions and their surgeries. But I think hes just a physician for them that is just the department he is in. So... that being said, his actual opinion on kids:

Since he chose a field in which he would have to deal with children....

I'm assuming he liked children.
He wanted to help them, since he himself was once a child who went uncared for due to his parents neglecting him.
If he ever had his own, he would care for them immensely and try to show them all the love he never got as a kid.
However, with being apathetic comes a price that I can speak on first hand.
It is most likely that Chishiya wanted kids, however decided against them due to the fact that he would not know how to show them that love and affection they need.

So yeah. That was me fixing my mistake of an earlier chapter where I said he hated kids. Also. I've read the maga. And Im done with the series ✅

Get ready for angst centrallll 😍

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