41. Sirens and Alarms

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A/N I'm starting this like a few days after posting chapter 40 sooo- yeah, by the time that I post this though I'll bet you it's been like three months. 
This chapter idea is from an irl friend, so thanks bernathy jr. (ffs this- the nickname is making me laugh so fuckin hard) cause w/o me bothering her to give me chaotic ideas this chapter would've never existed. 

Your POV -.- 

"COME ON-!" Wilbur whispered, motioning for everyone to crawl through the small opening in the fence. 

It was a school day. A Monday, to say the least, and everyone had just gotten off from a long, long break. 

Now you were breaking in at 4am. Why? Well- that was , for once, not your fault. 

It had all started yesterday, the last day of break, when you were all sitting in the living room... 

Flashback -:- 

"It's unfair that Wil gets a full band and gets to do all the gigs and I get none of the money." Tommy was whining and complaining once again. "I help with half of the songs, and the only reason some of them are out is because this bitch falls to my puppy eyes!" 

Tommy then did his puppy eyes, just to prove his point. 

"Wilby, could you pleaseee go get some water?" Tommy batted his eyelashes at Wilbur, who only sighed, not looking up from the paper he was scribbling lyrics on. 

"No, Tommy, shut up." Tommy slumped down, a small hrmph coming from him, and a defeated look on his face. 

"It takes a while sometimes." Tommy's voice was disappointed, which was then followed by a monotone voice. 

"The two of you are insufferable, especially when someone is tryin' to plan puttin' an orphanage down the drain." Techno pinched the bridge of his nose, pencil in hand. 

"I gotta agree with Pink on this one, except for me I'm finally doing some homework." Ranboo chimed in, rolling their eyes. 

The two had come up with nicknames for one another, of course. 

"I agree with Grey here as well." Techno and Ranboo shared a grin, the two of them laughing. 

Wilbur sighed, and finally, you decided to not let everyone do all the talking.

After all, what was a conversation without your idiocy added? 

You wanted to steer the conversation in a different direction. 

A way that would, eventually, end in you sneaking into the school at 4am. 

"We have school tomorrow, right?" Of course you hadn't planned for the conversation to go that way, the way of chaos, but you'd take the credit nonetheless. 

Tubbo and you were playing competitive tic tac toe, sitting on the stools of the island.  

Wilbur only replied with clutching his hands over his ears, a look of pure and raw annoyance on his face. 

"Yeah, pretty sure...?" Tubbo's voice was unsure, so Wilbur cut in. 

Turns out clutching your hands over your ears didn't keep out the noise of your annoying siblings. 

"If I put together a way for us to disrupt the school district again, will you all shut up and let me get some work done?" Ah, bargaining, one of the five stages of grief. 

Everyone's eyes, even Wil's himself, glimmered with turmoil. 

Sounds of approval and agreement were heard throughout the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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