The Daily Prophet Articles

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You know what, Merry Christler / Happy Holidays have the next chapter and please don't hate me, both for the articles and not updating frequently

(This chapter is just the articles, discussion of it is the next chapter)

Newspaper transcription + full length article available under image

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The Daily Prophet

Main Heading: 

Chosen one's body fake!

Sub Heading:

Hari Potter's Body in Saint Mungo a fake

Article (full article, not just front page):

Hari Potter was reported missing from saint mungo's hospital yesterday evening. A concerned patient told this here lovely reporter that he had seen her wake up and that the healer had snuck her out and replaced her with an illusion. Which is all kinds of strange. How did Hari end up in the hospital and why is she missing? Blame it on the kleptomaniac thieves who tend to run amok in the Order of the Phoenix for the second one. We remind you, dear readers, that Hari Potter snuck out from school to infiltrate the ministry of magic three or so weeks ago. She broke multiple laws in the process of getting there and then somehow summoned He Who Must Not Be Named and all his followers, challenging him to a duel that she immediately lost. She was then saved by the magical world's least favorite old coot Headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Percival Wolfrik Briann Dumbledore. And now Hari Potter is missing, has been since a few days ago.

We were informed by a patient, who wishes to stay anonymous, of the events that had passed in the hospital room. "I was just drifting off when I saw her wake up. There was a man in long dark robes, it was dark, I couldn't quite see. She started freaking out and then a healer came over and closed the curtain. I couldn't see much but I saw an outline, they forced her to drink a potion then dragged her from the room fighting from the room as she struggled to get away from them. She looked absolutely terrified. Then I saw the man leave the ward carrying her limp body at the same time that the healer wheeled a fake version back into place." (more on page 6)


"She looked as if she had never left but I knew that was fake, I knew the terrible things that likely happened that night."

"Well, like they say the picture is always the worst case scenario and I really hope is true for her. I really hope that girl is doing okay. The two men who were in here seemed to care a lot. I hope they're doing alright too."

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