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Lucy pov
-Ciao mamma!! ( hi mom)- said a girl waving uncontrollably, as the ferry reached shore, I only hope that I could be this thrilled about coming to the Island to live with my grandfather.

Me and my nonno ( grandfather) have only seen each other like twice in my whole life. I've never even set foot in this island since i identify as a person, its just crazy having to come and live here.

The ferry finally reached the harbor, so i start gathering my stuff, when i got out of the ferry i heard someone calling my name.

- lucy! Lucy! Over here!- what got my attencion was the fact that he was calling me in english not italian, as everyone else. That rigth there was a point to my nonno

i look i that direction and see that It's granpa renzo.

- Hey granpa, how do you do?- i said with a smile

- great honey, how are you?- he asked kindly

- great- i lied, i dont want to sound ungreatfull, i mean he is letting me stay here wih him after all.

- Lucy?- he said waking me up from my tougths

- sorry, what granpa?

- i asked if you wanted to go straigth home or if you wanted to stop by the cafe to eat something- he said smiling at me

- perhaps we can go home, so we dont have to be carry these- i show him the bags- around and then we can go to the cafe, how does that sound?

- great mia, great- i smile at him, a real smile this time- let's go?

- yeah lets go- i said while grabing his hand

As we made our way to his, no, our house, nonno showed me around, i saw the piers, a cafe, some beaches, everything its so beautiful, if it was based in apperance i would certanly love this place, buts its not just apperance

- so lucy, i already enroled you in school, you are starting in monday- nonno said ligthly, and i must have made a really scared expression 'cause my nonno quickly asked - are you okay darling?

- uhh, yeah, sorry i just forgot that "little" detail- i said- i just don't think i'm ready to go back to school yet

-well honey,youre going, i think that it's for the best, you know making friends,and all that, it will help you you'll see, and it's MY decison so you're going

- but it is MY life, i shouldn't have to go if i don't feel ready, my mother, my whole world died a couple weeks ago and i don't even get to heal at my own time? thats so unfair- I felt a tear coming down my cheek, i quickly wiped it, i promised not to cry, not today at least. i looked at nonno and realized shit,shit shit, i fucked up

we went silent the rest of the way, what a great why to start your life here mia, so when i look up to apologize i realized that nonno stopped, so instead of looking at granpa i look at his house, its beautiful

we went silent the rest of the way, what a great why to start your life here mia, so when i look up to apologize i realized that nonno stopped, so instead of looking at granpa i look at his house, its beautiful

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