Chapter 2: Into the Woods I Go

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As I walked into the school, I kept my head down as I walked passed the bullies of the school. Luckily, they didn't notice me and I was able to make it to my first class, L.A. (Language arts.)

"Room 206.... Ah here we are!" I said to myself as I walked into the classroom and sat down in my normal seat in the back of the room. As more students walked into the classroom I started to drift off, looking at the forest that resided next to the school.

"Okay class, open your textbooks to page thirty nine, open your notebooks and answer questions one through ten, I expect these done by the end of class." Your teacher said as he walked over to his seat, sat down and started grading papers. You quickly did as he told you and started reading.

-Time skip to the end of the day-

'Yay finally school was over and I haven't seen the bullies other than this morning. Things are going pretty good today!' I thought as I grabbed my backpack and materials from my locker, shutting the door behind me. Then that's when I saw them. It seems they were waiting for someone... But who? I was the only one that they bullied basically every day... I was the only one they beat up..... At least to my knowledge, I was the only one. I quickly put on my hood and kept my head down as I passed them, walking out the front door and down the road which led to my house. The road to my house is not too for off from my school, but I like to take my time. Nature always calmed me for some reason. Soon enough, after a few minutes of walking I saw my house and my front door was wide open. I was a little hesitant to walk in but I knew I would have to at some point and that now was probably better than later. As I walked in, the house smelt of alcohol, more so than usual......

'Huh.. I wonder where my mom is... I hope she isn't here I don't know how many more beatings I can take at this rate...' I thought as I quickly yet quietly made my way up the stairs and into my room. You had no homework to do so you put your backpack down by your bed, grabbed your teddy and your pocket knife and decided to go for a walk. All of a sudden you heard a loud thump and then the sound of the front door slamming shut.

"IS THE LITTLE B*TCH *hic* HOME YET?!?!??!?!!" your mother screamed as you heard her shuffle downstairs, probably looking for you.

'Uh oh' you thought. 'I got to get out of here...' you looked towards the window and back to your bedroom door as you heard thumping getting closer and closer, meaning that she was climbing the stairs. You quickly made a dash for the window, opened it and jumped out. You landed it, luckily, you've always been that skilled when it comes to things like that. 'Must have been all the practice' you thought because almost every day you would do this. As you ran into the forest you found your favorite spot, a place with a little clearing, not too small but not huge either. Just the right size for a lonely little girl and her teddy bear. You started to climb up the big tree you managed to climb every day and you sat on your favorite branch where the leaves were positioned just right to where you could see the stars in the beautiful night sky. You sit there listening to the soothing sounds of the forest as you hold your teddy close to you, watching the sun set.


I quickly turned my head to the right where the sound came from, slowly taking out my pocket knife from my pocket as I moved my h/c hair out of my face so I could get a better look on the thing that was approaching me. I held close to my teddy as I hid behind the leafs of the tree for cover as I saw them. It seemed to be a very tall man in a.... Business suit?

'Why would someone in a suit be in the forest at this time of night?' you thought as you got a better look at him. He was now staring right at you.... Except this man didn't have a face, and black tendrils were coming out of his back. You soon recognized him to be the famous Slenderman you had read about on the creepypasta website who killed anyone who was in his forest.

'SHOOT' you thought as you quickly jumped off the tree and ran in the other direction, deeper into the forest. Yes I know this is a bad idea to run only deeper into the forest at night while THE Slendeman is chasing you, but I know this forest better than anyone I know, yet again I don't exactly have any friends.....Hey, maybe he isn't chasing me..... You look back and sure enough, there he was but as soon as he was there he was gone.

"What!?!?" you whisper yell as you look forward to see where you are going only to run into none other than the faceless stranger. You fall to the ground with an 'oof' as static soon floods your ears.

"No!" you say as you muster up all the strength in you to block out the static and stand up. Mind over matter always worked for you, no matter what the situation.

"I will not go down without a fight" You say with fear clear in your voice as you get in your fighting stance, holding your teddy in one hand and your knife in the other. Slenderman, in response, only moved his head to the side as if he were confused but quickly regained his composure, lunging one of his tendrils at you in attempt to hit you. You quickly dodged it but were hesitant to strike because you were always the kind type of person, never wanted to hurt a fly... well unless they deserved it......Even though he does kill people, you believe everyone deserves a chance..... You quickly decided it was just for self defense and he did start this! I mean you could make an exception for this time.... As his other tendrils lunged at you, you took this as an opportunity to strike. You ran, jumped, and by using a tree as an extra boost, you then used your knife to strike his face, which ended up cutting a big gash in his cheek. Slenderman was startled that you were able to hit him but then that soon turned into rage. But by then you had already started to run yet deeper into the woods.

"Well I guess it's into the woods I go!" You said as you began to go even deeper into the dark forest.

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