Bruce- Coffee

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You speed walk away from the lab, an empty cup in hand. It's been a few months of being Bruce Bannor's assistant and you've messed up more times that you can count.

After you've poured him a fresh cup of coffee, you hurry back to the lab.

"Here's your coffee, Mr. Bannor," You breath, handing him the cup and smiling awkwardly at him.

"Thank you, (Y/n)." He says, accepting the cup. He takes a small sip before nodding in approval. "Just the way I like it."

You nod and head back to your station, once again combing through the piles of files Bruce had given you to sort through.

"(Y/n)?" Your boss calls, making you look up. "Done with those files yet?"

You carefully pick up the folders and walk over to Bruce. When you hand him the files, your hand brushes against his. Pulling your hand back, a blush spreads across your cheeks.

You turn to exit the lab, but a hand catches your wrist. "Mr. Bannor?" When you face him, he's grinning shyly.

"You can call me Bruce," He says, letting go of your wrist. "Okay?"

"Sure, Mr. Ba- Um, Bruce." You sputter, laughing nervously.

"And (Y/n)?"


"Thanks for not spilling coffee on me today,"

"No problem. I-I'll just-" You didn't finish your sentence as you spun on your heels and scuttled out of the room. You really need to stop embarrassing yourself in front of Bruce.

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