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3rd POV
Geoffrey and Helen Swan were married right out of high school after Helen turned up pregnant with their first child, Charlie. At age 22 they had a daughter named Stephanie. They tried again for one more, but sadly Helen had five miscarriages before they gave up.

They raised their children and stayed happily married until Helen turns up pregnant again at age 39. The pregnancy was high risk, and tragically ended with Helen dying in childbirth due to complications.

Helen managed to live long enough to hold the sweet baby girl that she carried for nine months and uttered the name "Valerie...." With her last breath before passing away. Charlie helped his father raise his youngest sister since Stephanie refused to and blamed Valerie for their mother's death.

Two years passed and Charlie met a young woman named Renee Higginbotham. They fell in love and got married and had a little girl named Isabella Marie Swan. Renee thought that since they were married and had a baby that Charlie would leave with her and they'd travel together, unfortunately fate had other plans.

Geoffrey's health took a turn for the worse and Charlie had to take care of his dying father and toddler sister. Stephanie refused to help, and Renee couldn't understand why he didn't just leave. This caused a rift in Charlie and Renee's marriage, and after a year of marriage they divorced.

Ironically enough Geoffrey passed away the day the divorce was finalized.

This left Valerie an orphan. Stephanie, didn't stick around long either and quickly married Christian Meyer and had three sons; Seth, Eli, and Gabe Meyer respectively. Leaving a heartbroken Charlie to raise Valerie by himself.

The two got by and 16 years later Valerie grew up into a beautiful young woman and attended college while her boyfriend, Zeke Forge, was in the military. Life was perfect, and things couldn't be better.

Until her niece, Bella, decided to move back to Forks.....

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