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I haven't gotten any proper sleep in days. Not knowing what another person is thinking about me has always stressed me out, I'm a peacekeeper. So now that Regan has ghosted me for over five days I can't help but wonder what I did so wrong.

I had gotten the impression we both enjoyed ourselves at the festival but I must be wrong.

Tuesdays are one of the only mornings I don't have practice so I roll out of bed at nine, which is much later than usual. I don't bother with a shirt since I live with all guys and sleepily Mae my way down the stairs. the layout of the house is a little strange with three bedrooms on the top floor and one on the main. the stairs lead down to the entrance which has an arch into the open kitchen and living room.

The common space is exactly what you'd expect from a bunch of college guys. we have a large L-shaped Sofa and a mismatched coffee table covered in textbooks and school supplies. our kitchen is fairly clean which is thanks to Colin and me. Chase, the rugby player is a slob but he keeps his mess in his room.

I open the fridge and pull out the carton of eggs. on top of our education, the school wants us the perform to the best of our abilities and to do so we need the best food. so, they pay for everything our nutritionist recommends, this means there are no fights about others stealing people's food.

While still half asleep I make myself avocado toast with an egg on top. I've just sat down to eat when I hear the front door creek open and shuffling in the entrance. "Anyone still home?" I hear Colin shout from the entrance.

"I'm here," I call back as he makes his way into the kitchen with his bags.

"I hate morning practices," He complains as he opens his bedroom door and throws them into the room. "whatcha eating," He points at my breakfast.

"Avocado toast," I yawn, "there's all the stuff you need for it in the refrigerator".

"Sweet," he nods going to make his own. I silently finish eating while he turns on the stovetop and starts frying his egg. I go to wash my plate with my eyes still half closed and he gives me a look. "why do you look like you haven't slept in a week?"

"because I haven't," I grumble, "your friend ghosted me and I can't figure out what I did to deserve it".

something in his expression changes only for a split second and my eyes narrow, "what do you know Smith".

"Nothing," he shrugs more composed and his expression serious and blank once again.

"You know something, tell me," I try to dig for information. "I swear if you told her to ghost me I might kill you."

"I did not do that," he tells me sharply. "Even if I knew anything I wouldn't tell you, that's none of my business," he answers putting his breakfast on a plate and taking a bite.

"oh come on, tell me," I let out a sigh.

"It's nothing you did, that's all I'll tell you," I tell myself and I nod. "what time is your first class? if you're free for a bit I might play a few games if you care to join." He switches the topic clearing being done with the original.

"I have to be in class for ten today so probably not," I tell him. we continue to talk for a few minutes staying clear of the topic of Ria before I go up to my room to get dressed. Detroit had very similar weather to here so adjusting wasn't very hard for me. by the time I'd showered, brushed my teeth and bundled up in jeans, a sweater and a jacket it was time for me to leave.

I say good hi to chase who's coming inside as I'm grabbing my keys from their spot on the wall. I make it out to my car and turn on the radio to fill the silence. All my professors are getting ready for the holidays so the lecture is mostly review. I have less than a month before the end of the semester and the final week is all exams and finishing CCTs which I am near done with.

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