Chapter 19: Final Exams Begin, Pray for the Problem Children

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Nobody POV

When Sunday arrives, both Aizawa and Nova decide it is best to postpone their date until after the final exams. Since they both took a day off from work, they needed to finish prepping for the written and practical exams they will be administering to the students in the coming week.

Monday rolls around and written exams begin.

"And you may begin." Aizawa and Nova vigilantly watch the class as they take their exam, ensuring that nobody cheats.

After an hour, the raven haired hero feels a quick succession of vibrations in his pocket and wonders who would text him during school hours. Not even surprised when he reads the name, he pinches the bridge of his nose as he opens the messages, internally preparing for the nonsense.

Bratty Kitten

I'm so boreddddd, this is torture. I'd rather listen to Mic sing "it's a small world" for 8 hours. (9:35)

Scarffffyyyyy (9:35)

Pstt.... (9:35)

Hey (9:36)

Hypothetically speaking.... what would you do if I made it look like I was sitting in this seat and just happened to sneak out of the room. (9:37)

Aizawa turned to Nova, raised a brow, and shot a piercing stare that said 'don't even think about it.'

Suppressing a giggle, she continued.

Bratty Kitten

What are you going to do? Give me a detention, Aizawa-Sensei~ 😜 (9:40)


I might have to. You're not being a very good girl, little one. (9:42)

Damn, every time he calls me that, it sends a shiver up my spine, Raya thinks. She ponders for a second on how she will respond, then suddenly is struck with an idea, one that he couldn't pass up.

Bratty Kitten

But what if I left to get us both a cup of liquid bliss (coffee) (9:48)

I feel like that would make me a very good girl (9:49)

The bestest, the goodest of good girls (9:49)

Especially since I noticed you weren't able to stop by the teachers' lounge this morning for your usual fix (9:50)

The cheeky energy hero glances at Aizawa to analyze his facial expression as he reads the text she sent him. As his grey eyes glide across the screen reading, the smallest of movements make its way to the corner of his lip as he tries to suppress a smirk. His eyes meet hers as he considers her proposal.

Finally concluding that he is hanging on by a thread of consciousness, and his patience to wait till lunch break slowly dwindling, Shota sighs softly and tucks his face into his capture weapon. His eyes look to the open door leading into the hallway and then back to Nova, who responds with a subtle nod.

Not even 5 minutes later did a steaming cup of coffee materialize in front of him on his desk. Surprised, he turns his head to the now smirking Raya, with her helmet on the ground and the students are none the wiser of her disappearance.

Looking back to the coffee he see's a post-it attached, now becoming her calling card anytime she gets him a cup. Aizawa reads the message:

Did I do good? 😊

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