Atavan Halen

53 4 9


***One Month Later*******

Jaime's POV

"Jaime, are you listening?" I was pulled out of my cloud of thoughts by Gerard snapping his fingers in my face.

"Oh, uhhh..." I widen my eyes.

Everyone just laughs at my response.

"I said, are you coming to the party tonight?" Gerard looks at Lyn-Z in a knowing way.

What are you hidin', Gerard.

"Uh, who's going to be there?" I ask shifting my gaze around the table.

"Well, I believe Patrick, Pete, Joe and Andy. A some of others will be there but you'll probably know most of them." Frank lists off.

"Oh, I see." I feel myself start to shake a little at the mention of that many people.

"You should go, Jaime." The black haired guy bites his lip and looks at me with his hazel eyes.

Fuck you, that's really fucking hot!

"I-uh-Okay" I stutter out.

"Great, we'll see you there!" Gerard says as the bell rings. "Party starts at 9."

I'm fucked


It was officially second last period and I was dealing with a hyper Frank while we had a "Free period because the teacher forgot to do the teaching shit".

"Jaime!" Frank drags out the 'a' and the 'e', it sounded more like "Jaaaaaaaaaaaimeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Yes, Frank?" I sigh and look down at him.

I'm taller by 4 inches, ha!

"Carry me home!" He raised his hands in a "grabby 5 year old" motion.

"We've got another period and then I'll carry you home,Dar-Frank."

I almost called him 'Darling' AGAIN FUCK.

"Were you about to call me 'Darling'?" Frank asks, tilting his head in a fucking adorable and hot as fuck way.

"Umm, no?" My voice gets higher.

"You so did, Babe!" He giggles.


"Okay, I did.." I sigh, and the teacher 'shushes' us.

And as we settled down and began working again I heard a faint voice.

"He called me 'Darling'!"


It was the end of the day and I had to keep my promise, so I was now walking down the road with a short black haired, hazel eyed guy on my back petting my hair and whispering quietly to his self.

" That feels nice, have I ever told you that?" I say, breaking him from his thoughts.

"Oh?" He says quietly.

"Are you okay,Frank? You've been acting a little off all day." I burst out.

Fuck, can't you keep your fucking mouth shut for once, you stupid idiotic son of a bitch?!

"Oh, it's nothing! I just have some jumbled thoughts, I'm uh, spring cleaning my mind ya know?" He answers quickly.

"Oh, I see, sorry." I mumble and continue to yell at myself in my head.

"It's fine, Jaime!"

Then it's back to normal, him petting my hair and mumbling random things in my ear and me thinking about things in my mind.

My deep,dark mind.

~2 hours before the party~~~

Frank's POV:

Gerard fucking lied when he said a small party, this was fucking huge!People were littered everywhere and even from where we stood I could tell the house was crowded.

Jaime gives me a 'That fucker lied' look, I sigh and drag my "friend" up to the door and before I could knock, a drunk forehead answered the door.

"Frank!" He slurred waving his beer around.

"Hey, Brendon." He pulls me into the house, making me drag Jaime along.

He leads us to the alcohol set up on a table.

"Relax, have a couple drinks!" Brendon gets too close to Jaime. "Enjoy the company of the hotties, if you get what I mean." Brendon winks and I see Jaime jolt forward a little as Brendon walks away.

Jaime's face flushes as I ask him what's wrong. "He slapped my ass." Jaime looks scared at the action.

I laugh and pass him a red solo cup. "Yeah, he's friendly."

We talked a little, mostly it was just us people watching. Well, that was until Gerard called us over.

"What are we playing?" I asked, sitting down beside him and Jaime going to the other side of the circle.

"7 Minutes in Heaven."




~~14 minutes Later~~~~

Patrick and Pete came out of the room, Patrick blushing and Pete smirking like a mad man.

Andy and Joe were the first to go into the room, Patrick and Pete were the second. Which meant I was the next person to take an object from the fedora.

Everyone stares as I shuffle through the fedora. I feel something that feels like paper and I take it out, four words are written on it, I say it out loud.

"I am who I'm not."

With a forceful shove I'm thrown into the room in the dark. I stand there for a second, then the door was flung open and I see a body being pushed into the room. Then we were left alone.

"Um, hello?" I hear the awkward voice of Jaime Morse say quietly.

"So, um, nice writing?" I mutter.

"Thanks, I guess. It's one of my tattoos.." He trails off.

This is your chance,Frank! Do it! I yell at myself.

Okay, I'm gonna' do it!

He mutters something I don't hear as I move closer to him.

Here goes nothing.

I stand on the tip of my toes so I can feel his breath on my face. "Hi."

"I-um- oomph!" I don't let him try to finish his words as I crash my lips to his.

It of course started awkward (since well, he didn't expect I would do that. But he should have really this is 7 minutes in heaven.), But it got better when he started kissing back.

Damn he's a good kisser.

Our"kiss" turned into my hands around his neck and his hands on my waist, trying to pull me closer. He ended up pinning me to a wall and kissing me harder, I didn't mind at all.His tongue traced my lips, asking for entrance, which I granted as my hands went to his hair,tugging at it as he explored my mouth. I pulled hard at one point, causing him to let out a small moan and he kissed me roughly. I decided the best idea was to grind on him a little, just to here him moan again, what I heard was myself letting out a loud whorish moan and his loud dirty moan.

Then the door was ripped open and the shouting of a shit-faced Brendon told us our "little" make out session was over.


A/N: I'm sorry for not updating in so long!

But I'd Love To Learn Your Name(Frank Iero)(Boyxboy) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now