Steven Lays Out His Plan To Forgetfulness

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Steven: Okay, so here's how this is gonna be laid out. We get a ride to New York. When we get to Times Square, we try to find the plug.

Forgetfulness: Where is the ball plugged in?

Steven: Not sure.

Forgetfulness: Security will be tight! How do you know for sure, our plan won't fail? We'd be spotted, before we can even pull this off!

Steven: Relax! We'll cause a distraction! Maybe, a lady is doing a performance over in the Bronx! Then, when everyone disperses, we'll make our move!

Forgetfulness: Perfect! We unplug the ball, and just like that, 2022 is saved!

Steven: Yes!!! Partners in crime!

Iris: *eavesdropping* This 'plan' is definitely gonna backfire! It doesn't stand a chance of succeeding! And, who is supposed to take them to New York?

This story was written on Wednesday, December 28th, 2022.

A/N Looks like Steven has everything detailed for Forgetfulness! But in all honesty, their plan is gonna fail! 😅😅😅😆😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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