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"You fucking bitch". Cole sneered, landing a deafening blow on the other boy, Rex making him fall to the ground.

"Ok that's enough!". Jayson and Ryan rushed in and pulled them apart.

"You're gonna get it Osbourne". Adam, Rex's friend seethed as he helped Rex off the ground.

"Oh suck my dick, you can't do shit". Jamie fired back ready to land another blow on Adam, but Ryan held him still.

"Cool it all of you!". Jayson yelled grabbing the attention of the boys that were fighting and the bystanders before he pulled Cole by his wrist and led him out of there, into a room and sat Cole on the bed.

A few minutes later Ryan and Jamie entered the same room. Ryan had an unimpressed look on his face where as Jamie's eyes where downcast as if he was sad and when he looked at Ryan, the other boy only nudged his head towards bed telling Jamie to sit on it.

"Scott said he was dropping Thomas off, the guy's high as fuck". Ryan spoke, the anger clear in his voice.

"Ok now you two". Jayson pointed at Cole and Jamie. "What happened?".

20 minutes earlier

"This is the real deal". Thomas sighed, blowing a puff of smoke from his joint.

"Dude blow that shit away from me". Cole scowled from the amount of smoke Thomas blew to his face.

"Come on Blondie, one drag". Scott urged moving the joint closer to Cole's lip, but the blonde slapped Scott's hand away with a frown.

"Quit it Scott, remember what happened the last time he took that shit". Jamie said, chuckling a bit as he took a sip from his beer.

"Oh don't remind me". Cole cringed at the memory of him in freshman year, dancing at a party in nothing but his boxers after Jamie and Thomas had convinced him to take his first blunt".

"Do you know I still have that video on my phone?". Thomas laughed pulling out his phone to look for the video.

"Let me see". Scott moved closer to Thomas as they both searched his gallery.

"This party kinda sucks, the only thing keeping me going is this sweet... sweet beautiful thing". Jamie smiled at bottle of beer in his hands.

"Yeah". Cole paused. "Do you hear that?".

"Hear what?". Jamie furrowed his brows at the blonde cause the only thing he could hear was the blasting music.

Cole got up from couch in the living room and walked outside to were the voices he heard was getting louder, Jamie followed closely behind Cole until they saw familiar faces afar.

It was Nathan and a few members of his team, members Cole and Jamie could recognize even from a mile away. Rex, a homophobic asshole, Adam friend to a homophobic asshole, and a few other of their teammates

"Why am I not surprised". Jamie scoffed drinking his beer.

"Come Rex quit it". Nathan glared at his teammate.

"Oh Nathan you know what I'm saying is a fact". Rex rolled his eyes.

"Are they talking about us?". Jamie asked with narrowed eyes. The two were a bit far of so the other team couldn't see them but Cole and Jamie to see and hear them quite well.

"Rex is right you know, those idiots are just full of cock sucking pussies". Adam stated earning a laugh from Rex.

"Come on guys, that's not cool". Fred one of their teammates spoke softly.

𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗥𝘂𝗶𝗻 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽Where stories live. Discover now