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The blizzard raged on and on outside the castle, which stood steadily on the top of a hill like a giant looking over the peacefully sleeping people. The candles flickered on and off as the freezing wind rushed at Technoblade, plunging his pink hair around. His numb fingers curled around the cup of hot chocolate, his blood-red gaze trailing over the hidden pathways of the Dream SMP, of all the citizens cozy in their houses.

Dream silently stepped next to him, his hand intertwined with George's. The young blonde-haired warrior looked at Technoblade worryingly, then turned his emerald eyes to George.

'Anxious much, Dream?' Techno was the one who broke the awkward silence.


'Oh, buddy, I know far too well you're lying.' The pink-haired warrior replied. 'Dream, there's nothing-'

'I'm sorry if my colour-blindness is bothering you, but what is that flickering light? Is it a-?'

Techno jumped, nearly knocking his cup over. Dream rushed in and grabbed a hunter's bow, closed an eye, and aimed. The arrow blazed through the blizzard, heading straight for the cloaked intruder. Even though he was on top of one of the highest towers in the castle, he could hear the sudden yelp of shock and astonishment.

'Who was that?' Techno asked grimly. 'What were they doing?'

'Suspicious.' George commented. 'Nice shot, Dream. Killed it.'

'We might need to go examine that area tomorrow if there are even any traces left to examine.'

'We need to sleep, if we don't want to look like grumpy kindergarteners tomorrow.' Techno said. 'I'm not gonna stay up studying like you, nerds.'

Dream hurried to the door of Techno's bedroom; George close behind him. Techno climbed onto his bed as soon as the couple left, picking up his violin, and he began to play a song. It was glorious like the dawn rising over a victory, a legendary victory that the warriors would never forget, a victory that would go down in history and never fade away with time. The melody was quick and heroic, like how a protagonist's sword plunged into the enemy, ending the war once and for all.

Dawn crept through the mist, slithering through the curtains to give Techno's face a warm, golden glow. He narrowed his eyebrows in annoyance, before rolling to the other side, turning his back to the sunlight. It danced to the other side, even brighter this time, determined to wake him up.

Techno growled, throwing the blanket off of him. He got up drowsily, but the memories of last night flooded his mind and his tiredness evaporated in a second. The lamp! The intruder! He grabbed his cloak and put on his boots before sliding down the stairs and running out into the snow as if he had never run before.

The lamp lay there, covered in snowflakes. The fire inside it had died out, leaving a black stain in the snow. Technoblade picked the lamp up and started examining it with eyes full of suspicion. In a matter of seconds, he found the symbol: a clown carrying a scythe and a parrot with unusual human-like eyes. The LifeSteal SMP! The intruder was from the LifeSteal SMP! He carefully brushed off all the snow and tucked the lamp close to him. However, he didn't notice a bright cyan feather with pearly-white tips.

'Dream!' Techno yelled, knocking on Dream's bedroom door. 'Dream, open up!'


'Dream!' He growled.

Silence again.

'Dream, get up! George is here!' Technoblade hissed furiously.

'Wha-What?' A sleepy moan greeted him. 'G-George?'

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