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Next morning, Haru pov
I woke up hearing the sound of the alarm. I turned it off and took off my night bandage.
(sorry I don't know if it's correct)
When I sat up I saw a letter on my night stand.
It said: "Good morning, my Sunshine.", with a heart and a letter.. "R". "R? Who is it?" I didn't think much of it and went to the bathroom to get changed.

 "R? Who is it?" I didn't think much of it and went to the bathroom to get changed

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There was already Y/N getting ready. I greeted her with a smile and she smiled back. I don't know what happened to her. Yesterday she kept death staring at me and now she smiled... I need to talk to her. I want to be friends with her but I don't think she wants to be friends with me.. I continued getting ready and took my uniform.

After I finished I did an high ponytail and went out

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After I finished I did an high ponytail and went out.
I was walking in the hallway when suddenly I was pinned to the wall next to me

Before I could say anything the person who pinned me took my chin and I saw who it was

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Before I could say anything the person who pinned me took my chin and I saw who it was. Niki.. "Niki-", I tried to say something but he stopped me. "Meet me in this same spot tonight. Don't ask anything. Just do it", he kissed my cheek and left, leaving me dumbfounded. What just happened?
Time skip, during class, Y/N pov
I was paying attention when I saw Haru a bit nervous. She was in front of me, so it was difficult not seeing her. I decided to ask her if she was alright. "Haru... are you ok?", I asked whispering. She turned around and smiled.. well.. it was a weak one.. "Yeah.. I'm fine.. don't worry", and she turned around. I need to know what happened.. she's usually brighter and always participates during the lessons.. I'll ask her at lunch....
Time skip, during lunch
I was talking with my sisters and the others when I saw Haru coming. I excused myself and went towards her. "Haru.. can I talk to you?", I asked. She seemed a bit taken aback but then said "Y-yes..", we went out of the Great Hall and I started talking. "Listen.. I know we didn't start well.. and I'm sorry If I seemed like I hate you.. but I really don't.. you see... I understood that it was wrong what I was doing thanks to a really important person to me.. and I wanted to say sorry If I made you feel uncomfortable around me. Can we start again please?", I asked. She looked at me but then smiled brightly "You don't have to ask me twice!", and she hugged me. I hugged her back and after some time we went back to the others.
Time skip, after classes, Vivienne pov

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