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"oh finally you're home. how was your night huh? how was it to not give a fuck about my feelings?!", he yells the last part as soon as he enters the house.

"leave him alone."

bogum is shocked, hearing the voice and not being able to recognize it at first.

"what the fuck are you doing here?", bogum asks when he finally sees jeongguk, going deeper into the livingroom now.

"spending time with my best friend? do you have any problem with that?"

"i do have a fucking problem with you. did he touch you taehyung? did you guys do anything?", he screams.

"bogum, stop.", taehyung cries, shaking his head, not wanting to believe what's happening right now.

jeongguk has never felt so angry before and it takes him all the self control he has to not beat the other up right there. he can be glad that taehyung loves him so much because otherwise he'd be dead already. taehyung would be in too much pain seeing his boyfriend getting beaten up. that's the only reason he doesn't do it.

"if you trust taehyung so little, then why are you fucking dating him huh?"

"just mind your own fucking business and leave me alone with my boyfriend now. who do you even think you are?!"

"gguk, go home.", taehyung cries.

jeongguk looks at him with big eyes, his blood boiling in rage.

of course it hurts him sending him away like that but jeongguk shouldn't have to deal with bogum's bullshit. it's only taehyung who has to go through that, not the people he loves the most.

"taehyung i don't fucking trust him!"

"please leave.", he cries even harder.

"you heard him. get the fuck out.", bogum says.

jeongguk keeps looking at taehyung's face and the sight breaks his heart. he doesn't want to leave him alone with that psychopath. but he realizes that he has to.

they're a couple and both of them want him to go.

there's nothing he can do.

jeongguk starts moving, but he comes closer to bogum slowly. he comes dangerously close to his face, scaring the shit out of taehyung because the last thing he'd want is jeongguk and bogum to get in a physical fight.

"if you even dare to touch him the wrong way..", jeongguk starts, looking deep into bogum's eyes with pure anger and disgust. "you're dead i swear to god.", he almost spits out.

bogum doesn't say anything and just keeps angrily staring into his eyes.

then jeongguk turns away and leaves the house, not without slamming the door shut.

"did you tell him that i fucking hurt you? what the fuck taehyung?! now it turns out you're also a liar? did you talk bad about me to him?"

"n-no, yesterday he noticed that i wasn't feeling well t-then i told him a little about what happened. i was sad and he's my best friend-"

"you're so fucking disgusting! i don't believe a single word you say. do you think i talk shit about you to my friends when we're having a fight? huh taehyung?"

"n-no.", he cries. he cries hardly. he wants to die. he wants the yelling to stop. he wants to cuddle and feel loved. that's all that he wants.

"now i can't even trust you? you go and tell everything your fucking friends?! wow taehyung.", he laughs.

"you know what? just go to your room, i don't want to fucking see you right now."

taehyung keeps looking at him, feeling frozen on the spot, trying not to sob.

"i said go!", he yells, making taehyung flinch extremely before he quickly runs upstairs.

he closes the door to his room, curling up to a ball on his bed, starting to sob extremely into his pillow.

he feels so heartbroken he can't even put it into words. he can't believe everything that just happened and he wished it would just be a horrible nightmare. but it's not.

he feels so sorry for jeongguk that he had to go through that. he feels so sorry because it's all his fault. jeongguk deserves a better friend than taehyung.

he repeats bogum's sentences in his head over and over again and it only makes him cry harder.

am i really that bad?

he cries his eyes out until he eventually falls asleep.


"tae.", bogum wakes him up two hours later.

"hm?", taehyung asks confused, not understanding what's going on.

"how are you feeling?", he caresses taehyung's cheek gently, making taehyung feel warm on the inside.

"i've felt better.", he admits.

"i'm so sorry for reacting like that earlier baby, i really am."

taehyung just keeps looking into his eyes, not knowing what to say or how to feel.

"you just have to understand how i felt too. i missed you so much yesterday, then today i come here only to see that you're still with him. you know i lose control when i get jealous but that's only because i love you so much."

"y-you missed me?"

"of course i missed you baby. i always miss you no matter if i'm mad or not. yesterday i wasn't feeling well the whole day and just wanted to be with you to feel better. but i still didn't tell you about it and let you go to your friends to make you happy. but later i missed you too much to handle and didn't know how to deal with it, i'm sorry. i love you so much. believe me when i say hurting you hurts me so much. i really don't do it on purpose."

taehyung just nods slowly.

"also how would you feel if you found out i tell my friends about what happens in our relationship? that's private tae and earlier i was scared that i couldn't trust you. do you understand that?"

taehyung nods.

bogum is right. i wouldn't like it if he told his friends things about me.

"my beautiful baby. do you forgive me? i promise i'll try to control myself better from now on."

taehyung smiles.

"i love you bogumie it's okay. but..."


"please don't ever be so mean to jeongguk again. he's my best friend and i don't want you to hate each other."

bogum could get angry just by hearing that stupid name. but he just takes a deep breath.


taehyung smiles, wrapping his arms around his neck to hug him as he's still laying on his back and bogum is on top of him now.

"i missed you so much.", bogum says before starting to kiss taehyung, who immediately melts into he kiss and enjoys the feeling of bogum's hand on his waist.

it doesn't take long for their make out session to turn into sex.

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