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On their way back, he clutched Tara's hand hard in his and kept dragging her behind him.

From time to time, he kept looking at her covered face. But he could tell she was worried about what had gotten into him suddenly.

She stumbled in between. He cursed in his mind for being so desperate to have no control over himself. He slowed down to match her speed of walking.

The night was still young, and the sun had not set. However, the lamps were lit inside the mansion. More lights were on than usual.

The ancient Arabic music inside the mension was telling another story. Most likely, they were guests of Bahman. But what were they doing at this hour? He thought.

Right now, he didn't want to waste any time. He was on the verge of losing himself. He wanted to kiss her senselessly.

Oman looked at Tara. Sucking in his breath, he released her hand. With his eyes, he motioned for her to follow behind him.

She blinked several times.

Why so grumpy. Was it because she asked for juice?

Since then, he has behaved like a barbarian. Dragging her like a sack of potatoes Her feet were already sour.

She pouted beneath her veil and followed him while stomping her foot on neatly laid tiles.

They entered a corridor that led to their room. But he saw Sujain coming from the other side of the corridor, which made his mood foul, and he didn't miss the chance to see Sujain eyeing Tara.

Thank goodness she was already covered. or else he had blown a punch in his face.

"Where were you, uncle?" Sujain asked, coming toward them.

"Go inside," face as neutral as always he told her in commanding tone.

His tone made her look between them. Without wasting any time, she headed into their room.

Oman looked at the disappearing figure of Tara and then turned to him.

"What's the occasion today?" he asked, ignoring the question asked by Sujain.

He shook his head, looking at his hard face.

"Today's my birthday," he said while smirking.

"Oh, it's a great day for you then. May Allah look upon you with favour and provide you endless joy throughout your life."

"Thank you, uncle," Sujain said while he took Oman's hand, kissed it, and touched it to his forehead.

Oman's lips curled upward. He appreciated Sujain for being a gentleman. But still, he didn't like his eyes on Tara. That's the only thing that bothered him.

"Come on, celebrate with us."

"Of course not; I am tired," he said, looking into space and avoiding his gaze.

"Why are you so desperate?"

Oman's hands clenched in fists but he didn't once let the emotion rule his face.

Sujain rubbed his thumb across his jaw as if he had figured out what was on his mind.

A flash of something passed over Sujain's face. It was so quick that he barely registered it.

He wanted to know what he would do to her behind those closed doors.

Why did she marry such an evil man? Men like him only knew how to use females. It's not like he loves her. He clearly remembered him as a womanizer. Sujain doubted that he was only playing with her innocence, as he was always more into brave women. But Tara.

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