Chapter 153

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isa woke up in pain, finding the feeling seemingly familiar. However, it was so dark that she would’ve thought she was in a dream if the pain in her neck wasn’t reminding her that it was real.

“Hello?!” she shouted.

All she could hear was her echo, nothing else.

Everything was pitch-black before her eyes, and she couldn’t find her glasses.

She didn’t know where she was. This place was dark, quiet, and cold like a basement.

Who’d brought her here? Why had they kidnapped her?

“Hello, is anyone there?”

“Someone, please come!”

“Is anyone there or not?!”

After shouting for a long time without receiving any response, Lisa felt a penetrating chill seeping into her bones.

People who hadn’t been locked up in a small dark room before would never know how terrible it felt to be confined in such conditions. Things like an unknown fate and endless darkness in the empty and cold environment became factors that destroyed one’s willpower.

As time slowly passed, minute by minute, Lisa’s rationality began to wander until it was on the brink of collapsing.

At that moment, she suddenly heard squeaking, which seemed to be coming from another world.

Tap, tap, tap…

She could hear the sound of footsteps getting nearer.

She raised her head from the crook of her arm and winced at the searing light, hastily closing her eyes. After getting used to the light, she slowly opened her eyes again. The first thing that came into view was a pair of men’s leather boots. She then slowly raised her head and saw a man standing with his back to the light. It was so bright that she couldn’t see his face clearly, but she already knew who the person standing in front of her was.

Jeon! Jung! kook!!

“You bastard!” she cursed hoarsely.

“How long can one last in a small dark room? When one’s willpower is shattered, coupled with psychedelic drugs, no matter how strong-willed one is, they’ll still reveal the truth.”

His words caused Lisa’s blood to run cold. Her voice trembled as she asked, “What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m planning to do exactly that,” Jungkook admitted.

Lisa was silent. She knew how stubborn Jungkook was and it wasn’t easy to change his mind. No matter how hard she’d tried to leave a favourable impression on him before, he still suspected that she had ulterior motives. She was now hesitating over whether to come clean about her identity or not. However, Jungkook was an atheist, so she didn’t know what the odds were of him believing that she was Lalisa. She was afraid that if she said that, he wouldn’t believe her and instead feel all the more certain that she was harbouring evil intentions.

“I now believe that…”

Jungkook stooped down and lifted her chin with one hand. He looked her in the eye and said, “…Witches exist in this world.”

W-what was he trying to say? Lisa blinked with a puzzled look on her face.

In the next moment, Jungkook grabbed her hand and pulled her up. It was probably because she’d been sitting in this cold place for too long, but when she took a step forward as she was dragged along, her legs gave way and she stumbled. If Jungkook hadn’t been holding her arm and caught her in time, she would have hit the ground by now.

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