Part:21}{Pfff, I've beaten the Ender Dragon enough times to know what I'm doing}

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"Dragons, really?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Harry nodded, "I don't think I would be able to pass this task, no wonder younger grades can't compete."

"Oh, lighten up, we'll think of something."


"Did you tell Tommy about the dragons?" I asked randomly.

He shook his head, "no, but I was planning on telling Cedric."

I gasped, "You were going to tell Cedric, but not someone who's in Gryffindor?"


"Tell someone in Gryffindor what?" I turned to face Tommy, who came down from the boy's dormitory in pj's. We were seated in chairs in the common room when he walked up to us.

I nudged Harry's shoulder, "Go on, tell him."

"Um, the first task in the tournament is Dragons, you have to get past them to capture an egg."

For some reason, Tommy didn't look very shocked, or worried. "Meh, I've beaten the Ender Dragon enough times to know what I'm doing."

Harry and I stared at him in shock.

"Um, ever hear of Minecraft?"



Sitting at my desk, I was recording the marks that I had made for each of the students. One of them caught my eye, Wilbur Soot, there was no way that I had actually given him that mark. It was too high, even for a Ravenclaw student.

Then I was starting to remember, he successfully made the Shrinking potion. Not a single thing was wrong, the test subject- which was a rat- shrunk to the perfect size.

I don't know what Phil was teaching him in Origins School of Spellz; but If I couldn't teach the hopeless cases in Hogwarts, could I even call myself a Potions master?

Schhc! Head Teachers of Hufflepuff and Slytherin to the teacher's office! Schhc!

Sigh, The PA System that they got is a real pain, and very annoying.


As I entered the room I noticed Phil standing next to a girl with split hair, half dark and half blond. Next to her was a boy with dark hair, both of them were in Hogwarts robes.

"Now that both of you are here I'd like to make an announcement that there are two new transfer students. We have already had the Sorting hat sort them into one of the four houses," Dumbledore explained.

"Beau will be in Slytherin," he gestured to the girl, "and James will be in Hufflepuff; I would appreciate it if both of them were led to their common rooms and were told the passwords."

"That is all, make sure that they are to be there before curfew," To that he walked out of the room.

"I'm Professor Sprout, the head teacher of Hufflepuff, you can follow me, James." The boy looked oddly uncomfortable to be in this situation, "Yes Ma'am." He scurried off to join Pomona.

I turned to face Beau, who was smiling. "I'm Professor Snape, Head Teacher of Slytherin, this way if you will." I walked out of the room past Phil who had a gentle smile on his face.

What a weird teacher.


Word Count: 508 

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