How We Began

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I believe that when any two people meet, they go from two 'I's' to a 'we'. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it does often seem that way. 

I met - who I will call Conan for the sake of privacy - at theatre. I had just stopped working with a certain theatre group, and had joined a new one with high hopes. We were halfway into the rehearsal process, maybe a month or so in, and he came in one day to help out. (For a little backstory about him, my director is his sister) He was everything I'd ever wanted: tall, strong, and hauntingly handsome. He had cheekbones, a strong jawline, muscles, and thick auburn hair. He was my ideal, the masculine to my feminine. But I didn't know him, so I kept my distance and admired from afar. 

Conan had brought his puppy with him, who was so cute I wanted to dognap him, and I used that as an opportunity to talk to him. I am a very shy, quiet soul when not on stage, and especially when talking to people I don't know well, so you must understand that this was very daring of me. I asked Conan where he bought his puppy, and we talked for fifteen glorious seconds. I was smiling like an idiot when I came home and actually had time to think about it. I had hope. 

Conan went to college nearby and was busy for most of the production, but when school let out, he came much more regularly. He brought his puppy "Imes" (pronounced ee-ms. an Irish name meaning 'courage') and I was then able to talk to him every once and a while when I'd play with Imes. He helped me to move set pieces, and I helped to paint a set piece. I learned little things about him from little things my director happened to say, and kept them tucked in a corner of my heart. I gained a sort of friendly familiarity with him, but not anything more than an acquaintance. Yet I hoped.


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