chapter 5

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When we arrived at Hugo's place,  i kept glancing between the door and his hands on the wheel seeking for better way of ending the night. Taking a quick glance at him i found him observing me with a raised eyebrow and damn he just reminded me how attractive he could be.

Both of us chuckled at the same time goodbye and thank you for today.....uh see you in the office tomorrow i said finally 

And he just smiled at me in return

Opening the door to get out only to be pulled back by the seatbelt that i forgot to remove. Cursing myself inwardly i give a nervous laugh and move my hands so i could remove the seatbelt but Mr Alvarez moved across from his seat and placed his hand aiming for the same task.
I swear am not even exaggerating, I felt the short of electricity  spark me from the skin he touch from my hand up to my spine,
and all my body became hot  the heat rised from inside  my stomach up to my face and I can bet My face is as red as tomato by now

and for all my 30 years of living not even once a human touch felt like this, his touch is  so much intense.

Making me freeze, now we are unbelievable close , my heart feels like it's trying to beat out of my chest and his eyes  seem to appear more silver when illuminated with the light coming from outside. He has the kind of eyes that one can stare at for days.

And I am a sucker for it

He was looking directly in my eyes and he is  getting closer and closer

Wait are we about to kiss........ If yess the why aren't I moving


Hugo voice break me from that trace I was in with my boss
I quickly bide him goodbye and went to were Hugo is

And after a nod of acknowledgments shared between them Daniel drive away.

                 A week later

Ring...... ring ...... I could hear my phone ringing , while still closing my eyes i caress around with my hands . Squinting my eyes to see who would be calling at this deadly hours and Mr Alvarez name pops up.

Blinking i accept the call.

Hello i say grogily

Mr Green i have an emergency can you please come over at my apartment right now he says breathlessly

I could hear a lot of rustling on his part. Glacing at the time on my watch it reads 00:00 midnight. I try to blink the sleep away.

send me the location and i will be there immediately i replied.

He paused a bit thank you, i will be expecting you soon he said and ended the call.

It was friday or in this case already saturday wondering what would be of concern i got up from the couch carried my phone took a taxi and headed directly to his apartments.

Upon reaching i was given a card to access the lifts and headed directly to his apartment, ringing the bell,i waited.

He opened the door, and what a sight to behold ,

Mr Alvarez was only wearing a boxer and white shirt but what in intrigue me was a pouting face he was making.

Coz damm it is so cute

I had to look twice to make sure am seeing correctly and not dreaming.

I can't seem to find what to wear for the ball party everything just looks mundane to me he exclaims

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