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I drove home quickly, making a lot of turns to be lost from the enemy. I didn't go home though, I went to my brothers house. I got V out and ran into the elevator. It seems like the elevator took forever. I ran out and banged on his door. He quickly opened it with a look of worry on his face.
"I heard the news, are you alright?" He asked.
I nodded and gave him V.
"I have to find Aria," I said walking to the door.
Tino quickly got in front of me, making a face.
"Are you sure it's safe to go out?" He asked in a contemplating tone.
"I can't lose her too," I stated, shoving him out the way. I ran to the elevator then the car. I drove back to the office to see police and ambulances there. The police taped the scene. There were so many people. I looked for Aria.
I went under the tape looking for her. A crowd of news reporters were trying to get pass as well.
"Ma'am you can't be back here"
I glared at him and when he saw me, he backed off. I checked every ambulance and finally I saw Aria. She was getting treated. I ran towards her, burying my face in her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing her face. She grabbed my hand, nodding yes.
"Ms.Bianchi there are some questions we need to ask you"
I kissed Aria on the cheek and went with them.
"Where were you when the attack started?"
"I was with my assistant Aria and my child Viktoria," I answered.
"There is no footage in your office, if we were to ask Aria that you are sure she will say the same?"
"Very sure, my office is surrounded by glass windows you didn't see me?" I asked confused.
There was a moment of silence and then it hit me.
"You think I ordered an attack on my own establishment," I asked.
There was another moment of silence. I smacked my teeth and slouched in the chair.
"When I was protecting me and my child in the underground garage. The man spoke German into his mic. Maybe you should go look for him." I said in a passive aggressive tone. I smiled and walked away. There was nothing more to say.
I went back to Aria, she was sitting waiting on me. I sat on her lap and laid my head on her shoulder.
"They think it's me..." I sighed.
"You," she asked.
I nodded yes and sighed heavy again. I stroked her hair and we sat there for a while. Aria decided we should check on V. I grabbed her hand and we walked through the crowd. All kinds of questions were being asked.
"Are you okay?"
"Did you plan the attack?"
"Are you dating your assistant?"
"Did you kill anybody?"
I answered none but one question stung me.
"Did you really love Viktor or was that an act?
I quickly turned around to see who said that but saw no one. I led Aria to the car and we drove off to Tino's. When we got in-front of the door, we heard clattering inside. I swung the door open and saw Tino on the floor. Viktoria on the other hand was sitting up, she laughed before falling back onto a pillow.
"I was trying to catch her," He said, slowly getting up. Aria went to help him up, my heart felt as though it jumped out. I then sat on the couch staring the ceiling.
"You okay?" Tino asked.
"Yeah just tired," I responded.
"I can keep V for a couple of days," Tino said sitting beside me.
I side eye him and he said , " You need a break Val,".
"You do," Aria added.
"Fine," I groaned.
Me and Aria went back to the house to pack a bag for V.
"You seemed startled at the office, when you turned around,"Aria questioned.
"I-,I thought someone said something,"I answered sitting down.
"Said what,"She asked,sitting down beside.
"Because whatever it was,it seemed to have a mean effect on you," she explained.
"I thought a reporter asked me did I really love Viktor but when I turned around no one in particular stood out," I explained.
I didn't wanna tell Aria as it had something to do with Viktor, but it's best for her to know.
There was a moment of silence, then Aria stood up.
"Let's not be negative we are gonna be baby free for some days now," She laughed excitedly.
I smiled and helped finish packing. When we were in the car it was silent, I kept glancing quick looks at Aria and something seemed to upset her.
"Are you okay?" I asked breaking the silence.
"I'm fine," she said in a assertive tone.
I nodded my head and looked back out the window. We arrived at Viktor place and I stayed in the car. I looked around to make sure she hadn't missed anything. Looking under the seat, I saw a condom, and I knew it wasn't mine. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. Sitting in the backseat I noticed the radio looked a bit funny. I got back in the front seat when I hear heels clacking down the stairs. Weird is what stayed in my mind. Aria got back in the car, she looked happy.
"Were you worried about Viktoria that much?" I asked.
"Yeah I mean we just had an attack," she answered.
I had a bad gut feeling. I decided to reach someone people had a hard time looking for. Aria went out saying she needed to run errands. I on the other hand got to looking for Viktor's older sister Sasha. She wasn't the heir as her mother and Viktor's are not the same. She was born before Van married Viktor's mother. It looked like she found me though as when I typed her name in the black market, my phone rung.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Why are you looking for me?" She asked.
" I need help. My girlfriend I think she's hiding something from me, and not something as little as cheating. Will you help me?" I asked.
I heard a deep sigh from the phone.
"What's her name?" She asked.
"Aria Thomas," I answered and hung up.
Aria came home late that night. I was on the web looking for things. She seemed surprised I was still up.
"What's stressing you out?" She asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"What the reporter said just been bothering me,"I answered.
"I told you not to worry about that," she whined.
"We are baby free, let's go have fun,"she trumpeted.
"Aria I'm working, if you don't bother me maybe," I stated.
"You know you love me," Aria chuckled.
Flashbacks of Viktor came in mind. I quickly turned around and she was in the kitchen dancing. That was something Viktor always said to me. My suspicions grew and so did that bad gut feeling of mine. It's been a few days and we got back Viktoria. Still no reply from Sasha.
"You look worried, are you okay?" Asked Mia.
"A friend of mine hasn't responded to me in some days," I replied.
"I'm sure there fine, let's do Viktoria check up Friday," Mia said.
I nodded and left. My building was still being investigated so no work till further notice. I went to Tino's house to vent. I told him everything.
"Well Aria comes over here a-lot to visit a friend,"Tino said.
I sat up letting him know to tell me more.
"There's this man that's upstairs, he's German I think, apparently they took defensive classes together or something," Tino explained.
"You think that's who she is cheating on me with?" I asked.
"No because there are times where I see her scared of him, very scared. I mind my business though," Tino informed.
"Anything from Sasha?" He asked.
"No I'm beginning to worry," I disclosed.
We finished up talking and I started heading home. My ears rung and my vision blurry. I saw people in black suits pulling me out. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I heard screams and yelling in the distant. I have no idea what's going on.

Cold water hit my face. My eyes opened immediately. I tried to get up but realized I was tied up. I looked around I was surrounded by concrete wall, that indicates I'm downstairs somewhere. I was tied up with rope, very tightly. A man in black was sitting in front of me.
"Hello Valentina Bianchi," He greeted.
"What do you want?" I ask.
Blood dripped onto my lap, my head started to feel heavy.
"No greeting, that's not very nice. See your grandmother killed your parents, she killed a good informant for us, a traitor on your part." He spoke.
"What does that have to do with me?" I growled.
"See your mother was that traitor as we held you hostage. Then your mother snitched and told your father so they tried to run. Boom car crash, first person at scene your grandmother, framed. Now your grandmother lost her son and blames your mother but mother is dead. Older brother Tino is to take over but parents hid him but not you. Tino disappears after parents death, left you alone to cope. Viktor your lover does anything to protect and dies. You blame your grandmother but your grandmother works for us you see. The Bianchi are cowards who hide behind us German. We use them but you are hard to control so Viktoria was it. Yeah she's with my darling Aria at the moment right now, no?"
My heart dropped when I heard darling.
" you, she's your darling?" I asked.
" My wife, it's arranged of course. She has no say so. She got close to you, your child, and your family. A-shame isn't it", he laughed.
I started to laugh and he stopped. I'm officially done with this world.
"What is there to laugh about, your daughters life is at stake here. We need Sasha daughter of Van Smirnov. We know you've made contact with her," He stated.
"It's Sasha no one knows where she is," I laughed.
"You've lost it. BRING ARIA HERE," he yelled.
While he was rambling I was cutting the rope. Get hands on my daughter you have to kill me first. Ten minutes later a knock was heard. Aria appeared with Viktoria.
"Where is Sasha Smirnov?" He demanded.
" I don't know," I answered.
He pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. He asked again, same answer. He pointed it at Aria. I looked at her in her eyes. Begging through my eyes to help me. She turned her head.
" did you know Viktor signature phrase to me?" I asked.
"Just tell him where she is and this will be done. Don't be selfish now. Viktoria life is on the line." She told me.
I stared at her thinking.
"I don't know where she is," I said.
He grabbed Aria and sat her down roughly. V started crying and Aria looked at me.
"I will kill both of them," He yelled pointing the gun all up in my face.
I quickly got up and knees him in his balls. He fell to the ground in pain. I looked at Aria and ran over. I grabbed Viktoria and took his gun. Before leaving the room I looked at Aria and she was helping him. She made her choice. I first hid and calmed Viktoria down. I then snuck down there were no cameras probably to have no evidence of what goes on. There were guards posted. I tiptoed past some but looked very suspicious and forgot about guards behind.
"Ma'am state your position," I heard behind me.
I stopped in my tracks not turning around. Then I heard a thud behind me and quickly turned around. It was Sasha.
"You don't know how to be unknown Val," She said and walked over. She took my hand leading me out. Soon I saw the night sky, I took a big breath in.
"We have to go," Sasha said.
I turned around and the building blew up into flames, my first thought was Aria. I gave Sasha Viktoria and ran. I looked through the rubble for Aria. I found her barely conscious. She had a metal pole stuck through her.
"Aria," I yelled.
I ran to her and held her.
"I'm sorry Val," she muttered.
"Shush stop talking. Don't waste your breath," I cried, shaking.
She put her hand on my face and rubbed my cheek. She smiled and said "I really did love you,"
Tears flowed down my face. Flashback of Viktor went through my mind. Her hand went cold and fell.
"No," I screamed.
The sound of sirens filled my ears. Through my blurry eyes I saw people running towards me.
"Aria," I cried.

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